2 - Stupid green eyes

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Draco's POV

"What you gonna do about it run to your dad and cry!?" Harry yells to me as we stand in the middle of the great hall with a circle of student around us watching and the professors listening at the table in the front of the hall.

"Well at least I have a father to run too!" I yell back as much as it pains me I know I crossed the line when I see the hurt cross his face and the whole hall goes silent because they knew I went to far too all that is heard is a couple gasps and potter taking shaky breaths trying to control his emotions and not let them show.

"Stupidly perfect green eyes" I mumble out-loud to myself (not on purpose obviously).

"W-what?" Harry... Yea you heard me right Harry says looking up with a light pink blush on his face and everyone around stares with wide eyes in shock at what they just heard slip from my mouth.

"Stupidly perfect jaw line always making me stutter" Harry mumbles just loud enough for everyone to hear and when he realizes that he looks back down at his feet shuffling slightly and fidgeting with his wand between his fingers.

I don't know what came over me but I got a boast of courage all the sudden.

"Ahhhh Well you see Potter us Malfoys have very sharp features as you can obviously tell by what you said" I said while walking towards him and now only inches from his face looking down at him, me being maybe 3 inches taller.

"M-M-Malfoy w-what are y-you doing?" Harry asks me still looking down avoiding my gaze.

"This" I whisper in his ear while putting my finger under his chin lifting it up making him look into my eyes.

"Oh god you eyes are so beautiful" I whisper making his breath hitch and also making our lips brush. I lean in slowly and start moving my lips against his slowly unsure of my movements until I feel his lips start moving against mine slowly but the kiss starts to get a little bit more heated and we forget about the whole great hall watching us probably in shock.

I lick his bottom lip asking for entrance making him gasp but we jump apart as we hear Dumbledore talk.

"Snape I believe you owe me 10 gallons" he says holding his hand out as Snape hands him a bag with money in it with a grumpy expression on his face.
Making me and Harry's face turn scarlet from embarrassment.

"Yea pansy where's me 20 gallons?!" Blaise my so called 'best friend' calls over the still quiet crowd.

"What?! Blaise! Stop betting on me! You to Snape! Your supposed to be my godfather" I grumble then last part to myself and bury my face in my hands.

"Hermione! That's 20 gallons you owe me as well!" The weasle yells over the crowd.

"MATE! What the hell your supposed to be my friend and you were betting on me?!" Harry's asks in a embarrassed tone.

"Hey Hermione did too!" He yells back sheepishly.

"I need the extra money And it was obvious you liked him I mean all you talk about s Malfoy this and Malfoy that like honestly I say and I quote 'omg Malfoy walked by me today and didn't even say anything how rude is that?!' I mean Mate I'm surprised 'mione didn't notice" Ron says looking at Harry with a smirk and his eyebrow raised while holding his gallons.

"Roooooon come on you didn't have to tell everyyyybodyyyy that" Harry says scratching the back of his neck with his face Weasley approved red.

"Ok if anyone else was betting on us mine as well do it now!" I yell over crowd and almost immediately nearly the whole hall is passing money.

"Oh. My. God. What the heck?! I didn't auctally think all you people would bet on me... well this is embarrassing... wanna get out of here before we embarrass ourselves even more and maybe go out to hogsmade with me this weekend" I say looking at Harry while everyone else is still passing money to each other.

"W-what really?!" He asks me with hope in his eyes looking up at me.

"Yes really you know your rather adorable when your flushed." I say with a smirk.

"I would love too!" Harry's squeals out like a teen girl who just got asked to the Yule ball.

"Er I mean I would love to go on a date with you Draco." He says in a more controlled voice with yet another Weasley worthy red face but still can't keep out the giggle at the end of the sentence only making him even more adorable.

"Your such a Dork" I chuckle out.
"Come on lets get outta here." I say grabbing his hand and walking out of the great hall together.


Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time I have been busy with my other book "Hawwy!" And with school I also have 2 tests coming up that I am auctally supposed to be studying for right now and a bday party this weekend for my best friend so I've been super busy but I promise to try and write more often.

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