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I woke up in the pile of blue pillows that had be placed on the guest bed. I surveyed the room in the new light breaking through a window to my right. It was very plain and tidy. A desk with a lamp, a small shelf with books, and a bathroom that was just as orderly. Perhaps he will let me decorate it.
My stomach turned circles at the thought. This whole time staring at HIS room in HIS house and still I hadn't given a thought to where I was or what happened yesterday. But as it all came back to me, my heart fluttered with nervousness of what the day would hold.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door before Joker emerged. "Time to get up sunshine. I want you showered and downstairs by nine. And I know we only had time to pick up your um 'work' clothes yesterday, so well here's what we had laying around." He said the last part gruffly before throwing down some clothes and exiting without giving Me a chance to answer.
I studied the clothes. A button up colored shirt and some old jeans. The shirt would work but there's no way those jeans would stay on my hips. I wondered whose clothes they were. They could have came from anywhere. One of jokers goons or perhaps even someone he had killed... So I decided to smell them, and I was pleasantly surprised.
I showered in my tiny bathroom, washing my hair well and letting my blonde hair lay loosely over my shoulders so it could dry. I put on the shirt and a pair of shorts I had grabbed in the club. I didn't look bad in this shirt, and I just had to know if it was his.
I stepped out of my room and onto the creaky hallway floors. When I heard jokers voice talking to someone downstairs, I decided his room must be clear. I tip toed in and saw a room almost as neat as mine. Dark purple silk sheets neatly made up on his bed, which was also covered in a million pillows, green ones.
I bent down by his bed and grabbed one, bringing it to my nose. Yes. I smiled to myself. The scent on the shirt matches this.
   Joker was waiting for me downstairs in the kitchen. It was a medium sized room with peeling yellow wallpaper. But it didn't look dirty like some of the rooms where Jokers men were allowed to stay temporarily. I was happy with the fact that none of them lived here. I didn't want creepy men sleeping in rooms next to mine. Criminals at that.
   Joker whistled for me to come in and pointed at the table. I sat down and told him good morning.
   "Good morning" he said gruffly and handed me a plate of eggs and sausage. "Eat up. Big day ahead" he flashed a wicked smile at me.
   I gulped, wondering what awful things there could possibly be in store for me. It kind of ruined my appetite. But I didn't want to seem rude so we sat and ate in awkward silence until Frost came in the front door.
   "The um, training room is ready" he said.
    "Good." Joker shooed him away.
   "Training room?" I asked.
Joker didn't answer me. I decided it was best not to ask again. Training room didn't sound so bad. At least Frost hadn't said that a torture room was ready or something.
     After breakfast Joker led me down another flight of stairs into a basement. The entrance was dark and made of concrete, which cracked and dripped in some places. Until we entered another room which was more well lit and had targets at one end. I soon realized it was supposed to be a gun range.
    "Here we are" Joker announced as he led me behind the row of booths and pulled a pistol from his pocket. "Ol' reliable" he said and handed the gun to me.
   Some people in my family were very enthusiastic about guns, and I was no stranger to shooting targets. So I stepped up to the booth, loaded and cocked the gun, and shot one of the targets in the chest region.
   I looked back at Joker, his face showing mildly his impressment. He wiped it away quickly and said "Good. Now do a headshot."
   I shot again, this time hitting in the upper left corner of the head, which would still kill but it wasn't perfect. I shot again, this time landing closer to the middle. Joker seemed satisfied as he took the gun from me and put it back in his belt.
   "What did I need to do that for?"
   Joker stood back and studied me, ignoring my question. "Skinny. Good for making it out of narrow escapes, hiding, climbing through vents and such. Agile and flexible from what I can tell by your job. And a good shot" he nodded to himself and looked up at me.
"But are you ready to kill?"

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