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Quick question before you start the book, are the gifs working? Because they aren't for me when I view the book so please comment if they are or not, thank you!


"I am interested in Imperfections, quirkiness, Insanity, Unpredictability. Thats what we pay attention to anyway. We don't talk about Planes flying; We talk about them Crashing."

~Tibor Kalman


ALEX DIDN'T KNOW WHETHER IT was fear, or the cold that made her stand completely still. It was an enigma, an enigma that she didn't have time to solve as the Clown approached Calvin with a sinister grin on his face.

Or was it just the scars that littered his features?

It was odd how his scars made him appear as if he was constantly smiling, the red lipstick deep within the scars cracks emphasizing his glasgow grin. She wondered if the scars would still look like a grin when he had a frown on his face; it was a question that she hoped she would never find the answer to.

Alex gulped as the Clown grabbed Calvin's face with his purple gloved hand, his other hand creeping up to the mans face and pressing his small pocket knife against the corner of his mouth. Alex could see a small amount of blood trickle down from the mans mouth where the blade pressed against his pale skin.

Alex could hear the Clown chuckle as he tilted his head to the side, examining the trembling Calvin before him with his black ghastly eyes. Alex could feel the fear radiating off of Calvin in that moment, a fear that was unimaginable; the fear of death.

Alex knew in that moment that she was going to die, this was the end for her; there was no surviving this. She needed a miracle.

God I just hope he kills me quick

Alex shivered in disgust and fear as images of the Clown sexually assaulting her flashed through her mind. Alex sucked in her lips and bit down on their soft skin as tears threatened to fall down her face at the thought of it happening again.

Oh god, I-I don't think I can handle that

She thought, a tear now slipping from her tear duct and slowly falling down her cold and red cheeks.

God help me...

"What-ah were you and, uh, Andrew over here hiding from me?" The clown asked, his knife now sliding down the mans face, as if the blade were caressing Calvin's cheeks. Alex could hear Calvin whimper under the Clowns hold, his whimpering only causing the Clown to get aggravated and tighten his hold on the mans hair.

"Answer me Calvin..." the Clown growled at the man. Calvin gulped, his breathing more erratic as he opened his mouth to speak to the Clown.

"It's, uh, nothin' Boss. A-Andrew wanted to keep the girl for himself, b-but I told him that you would want 'er too." Calvin stuttered. Alex could feel her heart skip a beat at the sound of him mentioning her name, her palms becoming sweaty despite the cold weather surrounding her.

The Clown tilted his head to the side before following Calvin's gaze to the left of him to reveal a disheveled Alex. Her raven black hair was messy and slightly curled in some places from the snow making contact with it and her blue eyes were crazed and wide from the fear of the situation she was currently in.

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