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"I became insane,
with long intervals of horrible sanity."

~Edgar Allan Poe



Alexandria told herself.


Although the word buzzed around her head she didn't find herself breathing at all. Not one breath of air entered her begging lungs, their pleas meaning nothing to her at the moment; they were the least of her concerns. She didn't know why she felt so anxious, she just did; and that was all she knew.

Maybe it's the game?

She asked herself.

No, no, no. That can't be it.

She reasoned. She knew that, that statement couldn't be the answer. She was constantly playing this game and never once was she ever doubting herself or even anxious that she might lose; because she never lost.

Alex chuckled in her head at her own anxiety, knowing better than to chuckle out loud where the men could hear her. She couldn't blow her cover right now; and she wouldn't.

So, Alex sat in an old wooden chair - her body relaxed and still - (despite her lack of breathing) as her fingers played with the ends of her cards. Her eyes focused on the world around her while she kept herself calm at a round table that held poker chips and the elbows of drunken men trying their best to play a game of Texas Hold'em. Alex mentally smirked as she looked over her card's, knowing that she wasn't too far from victory.

She looked up from her cards and towards the three men in front of her, being sure to examine them closely as she did so. This game is all about examining your players, you had to know exactly what cards they were going to have; it's the only way to win. The man directly in front of her, if he was considered a man, was scrawny and resembled the average nerd or geek in high school with curly orange hair and wide rimmed glasses that appeared as though they have gone to hell and back. Alex couldn't recall the scrawny mans name but was mentally calling him 'Sandwich' due to him looking as though he needed to eat a sandwich from how thin he was.

The person to the right of Alex was a big, round man with sunken eyes and a shaved head. His name was 'Big Ben', the name possibly given to him due to his large size and his name possibly being Ben. His sunken eyes were a brown, muddy color that matched his brown work boots that hid under is long blue jeans. The shirt he wore matched neither his jeans nor his shoes and was a bright 'Hawaiian' button up shirt. Needless to say he needed some fashion advice and a lesson on how to play poker. His playing was very poor and Alex almost felt bad for the man but decided she shouldn't waste her time and focus on her up coming victory.

Alex's eyes finally stopped to the man who sat to the left of her. His eyes were a dark blue color and a piece of his dark brown, almost black, hair fell over it giving him a mysterious and sexy vibe. His face was chiseled and he was lean with his muscles that were seen on his arms that were hanging out of his black polo shirt that fell over his black washed jeans. Needless to say, woman would fall head over heels for him and he knew it and used it to his advantage; he knew he could get a girl to fuck whenever he wanted. Just a snap of his fingers and they lined up for him.

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