Our real father

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As they headed to one of the biggest market, Target. For two years they've worked hard to get to this position. As they went inside of the employ rooms, and dressed in their vests and placed their name tags. Lin checked if anything was in order or if people mixed their products, or if the short shelf of the the items. With Yuki, she checked the shipment of the orders and new items coming in soon. As they done their job and it was almost closing time. They made sure that no one was still here, and left and went to get theri weekly checks. "Pay day~Pay day~ Pay day~!" Singed Lin who happily walked home with Yuki. "I wonder what mom made for tonight. It sucked to skip lunch, just because you said it might boost our payment." Lin looked at her sister as she pouted at her. "But it did work you know!" Whined the eldest. "Sometimes I feel like I'm the eldest and your not." "No! There's times I the eldest and then you do~." As she hugged her, "Your so stupid when you say things like that." She said it as she smiled. "But that's why you love me right." Lin smiled back as she went back to walking. Then Lin's phone went off. 


As Lin laughed at her ring tone for her mother, since she was crazy for pancakes. And she chose vanoses puncake remix, because of the guy singing pancake. "Hey mom, whats-" "WERE ARE YOU TWO!"  Lin held her phone far from her ear from her mothers yelling. "Mom we're heading back right now...why?" She looked at her sister, who shrugged and went closer to hear better. "Hurry and get back here now!" The two looked at each other and ran as their legs can carry. When they were close by something that looked like some kind of dog with it's pack behind it looked like if it were dead corpses. "What the hell are they. Yuck! They smell like shit!" Yuki stared wide eye at the creature in front of them. "Lin these things are one of the demons in the books, the ones that take dead animal bodies..." At her words Lin tooked out her bible from her pocket and sages and lavender with it. The beads and the cross swinged side to side at her focus of the enemy ahead. "Well looks like a battle will soon commence, huh?" As she glanced at her sister, "I was so hopping for pocky today!" As Yuki's hands glowed white as a bow appeared. She took aim at her targets. "Yuki think you can held them off while I start the chant. We'll have to do this quike, mom might be in trouble if we don't hurry." Yuki nodded at her sister's command. When a situation like or something else that's bad. Lin and Yuki take action very serious.

"O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the archangel battle and in terrible warfare that  we are waging against powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, again the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, mad likeness, and redeemed at a great prince from the tyranny of," 

As Lin chanted the hymn, Yuki fought off the demons who were getting rieled up by the chant. All her arrows were glowing lights she creats. This wasn't her first demon battle with her sister.

Lin and Yuki went with their mother to a city said to be over run by demons. Since people from the outside thought them crazy, every month a visiter is attacked brutlly.  "Mama, so demons live here?" Asked the eight year old LIn. Mira thought for a bit, "No Amy, but demons live anywhere they want. They even reaside in our hearts too. If we have dark hearts, it weakens by our emotions. And we get posses by the fragileness of a heart." When exorcist weren't looking the twins ran of to investigate themselves. They found a huge hotel to be sworming with demons by and under ground chamber. "Run Yuki, I'll hold them off!" Yelled the frighten Lin, as she chanted as fast as she could. with each different demons heading twords them. Then a light glowed behind her, and to see Yuki with a glowing bow. "I'm not leaving you! We're a team, remember!"

As Lin kept her chants, Yuki was trying her best with the demons that kept coming her way. "dammit! if only mom were here, it would have been a bit easy." "You called." A bullet wizzed passed her. "MOM!" Yelled out Yuki, as Lin kept her chant to the final hit.

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