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THE entire school was abuzz with excitement over the winter formal and Hayden was feeling it too. Sure, she'd gone to high school dances in Stars Hollow, but she knew they would be nothing compared to Chilton's. Madeline and Louise had already confirmed as such.

The Gilmore girl was putting books into her locker when hands wrapped around her waist making her jump before she relaxed back into the familiar chest "Well, hel-lo."

"Hey, Mary." Tristan grinned, resting his chin on her shoulder before he lifted one hand to hold up two tickets in front of her "Look what I got."

Hayden jokingly gasped "Are you asking me to the dance?"

"Funny." Tristan tickled her side making her giggle. Of course they were going together "But I am asking you to spend the night after it." His hands gripped her waist as her breath hitched "My father is due home so I thought we could get one of those fancy rooms at the fancy hotel... have a little after formal of our own."

Hayden's eyes widened as she stammered "I-I... My mom would never allow that—"

"Say you're spending the night at Madeline or Louise's." He proposed and his hopeful eyes only had her heart clench "Please, I just want to spend the night alone with my girl."

The Gilmore girl hesitated. Sure, she'd spent the night with Tristan before but that was before they were in a relationship, before he'd pay for a hotel room. She knew he would have expectations with his reputations, she just didn't know if she could live up to them.

"Okay." She agreed after a moment, taking a deep breath as his face lit up "I'll figure something out."

FRIDAY night dinner was a Gilmore girl affair with Richard away on business and Emily was delighted. The woman looked between her granddaughters excitedly "Your grandfather called last night and told me to let you know he's bringing you back something very special from Prague."

"Wow, Prague." Rory gushed "How amazing is it that he's going to Prague?

"It's supposed to be lovely, very dramatic castles everywhere." Emily mused.

Hayden's news tilted in thought "I do love a dramatic castle."

"Did you know the cell that Václav Havel was held in is now a hostel? You can stay there for like $50 a night." Rory enthused before looking between her mother and sister "Hey, maybe on our big trip to Europe we could go to Prague and stay in his cell."

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