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WAITING for their mother to return from a date wasn't an unusual affair for the Gilmore twins, but waiting for her to return from a date with their English teacher? That was new territory. Rory let out a groan as she continued to massage Hayden's feet as the pair lounged on the couch "Remind me again why I'm doing this?"

"Because as my biggest support in all things dance you understand that these babies," she gestured to her bare legs and feet "are prized winners and need regular maintenance."

"What you need is a new pedicurist." Rory scoffed, wiggling her big toe "Who did these? Caesar?"

Hayden sat forward to cover her toes protectively "Tristan painted them."

"Ugh, you guys make me sick." Rory complained.

"Try saying that with a straight face." Hayden tossed a pillow at her sister with chuckle, the pair sharing a smile knowing both twin was happy for the other and that despite first impressions, Rory Gilmore did in fact approve of Tristan Dugray. The girls shared a look at the sound of the front door closing quietly before Hayden turned back to raise an eyebrow at their mother attempting to sneak in "Well, well, well, Missy. What time do you call this?"

Lorelai groaned as she looked between her teenage daughters "Busted."

"It's one o'clock in the morning." Rory reprimanded.

"I know but my watch stopped during a terrible car wreck and I had to save kittens and small children and four baby chicks."

Hayden raised an eyebrow "And what about the adult version of all of God's creatures?"

Lorelai waved her off "Meh, they can saves themselves."

Rory rolled her eyes in amusement before questioning "Did you have a nice time?"

"Not bad." Lorelai smiled.

Hayden raised an eyebrow at her mother "That's a very big smile for a not bad night."

Lorelai sighed as she slumped down onto the couch in between them "Yeah well... Hey, he loaned me a book."

Rory perked up "What book?"

"Swann's Way."

Hayden grimaced "Gross. Does he even like you?"

Lorelai nudged her with a smirk "Yes, he does."

"You know what it means when a man loans you a book don't you?" Rory questioned with a smile.

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