victor✉️; yuri

yuri💌; victor

victor✉️; are you alright

yuri💌; victor

yuri💌; i

yuri💌; i don't think so

victor✉️; where are you

yuri💌; i'm not going to try and throw myself off some building if that's what you're thinking

yuri💌; or overdose

yuri💌; i just

yuri💌; i

victor✉️; yuri?

yuri💌; victor

yuri💌; is your life still falling apart

yuri💌; like you told me it was

yuri💌; last night

victor✉️; yes

victor✉️; yes it is

yuri💌; talk to me about it

yuri💌; because mine is too

yuri💌; falling apart

victor✉️; well i'll say it bluntly

yuri💌; how else

victor✉️; i'm fucking someone i know is in love me

victor✉️; so i guess i'm exploiting them for sex

yuri💌; ah

yuri💌; and you're thinking of me when you come

yuri💌; how fucking romantic

victor✉️; how fucking romantic

victor✉️; no

victor✉️; not only when i come

victor✉️; i'm thinking of you the entire time

yuri💌; what happened to meaningless sex

victor✉️; it's not the same without you

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