Chapter 7

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I had remembered the very day dad left us. I had gone to school that very day. At school, we were made to construct a gift card for our daddies because Father's Day was fast approaching. Our teacher then had instructed us to write heart warming letter to our dad telling them how much we loved them. I was excited about that exercise. Dad had been grumpy too often during that period and I wanted to write something that could help elevate his moodiness. So I had written a lot making sure no page was left unwritten. After this our teacher had to cross check our work to make sure our spellings, punctuations and grammars were correct.

"Very good work." She had praised me. "Could you read it out for the class to listen?"

I was really excited as I read it out for the class. After I was done, the class clapped for me and my teacher did some minor corrections. After school was over, I hurriedly packed my bag and ran home. I was too excited to show dad what I had written to him. Well I wasn't ready to wait still Father's Day.

"Mummy!!!" I had screamed when I got home. Mum wasn't at that time going to work. She was on rest leave due to loosing her pregnancy. "I'm home!!!" I dropped my bag on the couch and ran into my parents' room. "Guess what happened in school today mum? My teacher praised me in class today. My friends clapped for me." I was busy filling her in on how my school went that I didn't notice she was actually crying.

"Mummy?" her room was dark. She had the windows closed and the lights weren't turned on. I went to the window and pulled apart the curtains. She quickly covered her face when the light rays set into the room. "Why are you crying?" I had asked her. She kept on sobbing so hard. At first I thought it was still about loosing the child so I simply pulled her into an embrace gently caressing her hair.

"Don't worry mum, baby Love will always watch over us from heaven. Don't be sad anymore mum." I had consoled.

"Leah baby, your dad has abandoned us. He has left us. Forever." Mum said as she broke into uncontrollable tears. It took me look to understand what she said. I mean how is it possible that the dad I saw this morning is gone and never coming back? How is it that the very first time I get applauded in class, my dad isn't there to hear exactly how it all went?

I wasn't a bit excited to go to school the following week. I was really stressed out. Through out the weekend, Melvin's words kept ringing in my head. I couldn't help it crying anytime it came to memory. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have talked back at him. Now I reminded him of all the pains he must have fought hard to put behind him.

"Mum I'm not going to school today." Mum and Paul were having breakfast. She was already prepared for work.

"Why darling? Are you sick?" she stood from her seat as she came towards me using her back palm to check my body temperature. "You feel fine." She said.

"I just want to rest at home for today." I pleaded.

"Why dear? Is everything okay?" telling her about it would only make me re-live the incident all over again.

"I'm fine mum. I just want to rest at home."

"Baby if you have any-"

"Can't you listen to what she said already? She said she's fine. Don't make a hassle of the situation. The adult said she's fine." Paul said.

"I'm her mother. What's wrong if I try to act concerned?" mum said.

"Well it's very annoying. You keep treating her as though she's a little one. She's an adult, treat her like such." Paul said sounding frustrated.

"No matter how big she gets, she'll always be my baby. You men won't understand any of it since you guys never get to carry or give birth to a child." Mum said almost close to crying. I reached for her trying to comfort her.

"Oh please enough with the drama." Paul said.

"Don't you have any decency left in you?" I said. I just couldn't stand there and watch him hurt mum this way. "You have no right to talk to mum that way."

"And why shouldn't i? When you both act so lousily. i can't believe why two adult women would act like children. Most men won't stand it."

"Most men?" I scoffed. "Well you right. The last man whom I called a father left when our lousiness got too strong for him to take. And you know what you're not even my father so leaving won't have any effect on me or my mother." I said. I just had to voice out the anger I've had held up inside.

"Leah please." Mum begged. "It's enough you both. Please just stop already." Mum was crying. Why does she have to always allow Paul walk over her this way? Paul was snaring at me.

"No mum. I won't let him keep treating you or me the way he likes. He should be the one showing some appreciation here. I mean he's a free loader here. He should show some respect to us for taking in him not treating us like strangers in our own home. IN FACT HE SHOULD LEAVE. LEAVE US ALREADY. MUM AND I DON'T NEED YOU. WE DON'T NEED ANYONE. NOT YOU, NOT DAD."

I was really relieved when I spoke my mind. Mum was looking at me shaking her head. She was still crying and that really angered me.

"No Leah, you don't know what you're saying." Mum kept saying as Paul had a smirk on his face.

"We don't need him mum. I won't let him treat us like this anymore. I refuse to let him hurt us. Not now not ever."

"I believe you should be the one leaving if anyone among us has to leave." Paul said.

"What? Me? Are you forgetting this is MY DAD'S HOUSE." I made sure to stress the words probably. "Why don't you be a man and leave? Just admit that you just a worthless man who perches anywhere he can find his daily food." It really angered me as he began laughing hysterically.

"Stop already Leah. Please stop."

"Mum you stop! Stop your foolishness! You don't have to beg for his affection. I'll be here for you." I reassured her.

"I see you haven't told her yet." Paul said laughing. "I guess you haven't mastered the courage to tell her the truth." Paul said.

"What truth is he talking about mum?" I was facing mum.

"Stop Paul, and keep quiet Leah." Mum warmed. Paul kept laughing hysterically.

"Don't shut me up mum. Tell me right now." I said to her.

"I see you can't say it. I'll have the honor." Paul said. "Please don't Paul. Please." Mum begged. "She has to know the truth."

"What truth?" I asked for the last time.

"Your mum and I are expecting a baby." Paul's words came so slowly to me. This can't be happening. I can't believe mum let this happen. I don't think I can ever forgive her.

"Leah, I'm so sorry."

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