Chapter 3

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Calm down Leah. You could do this. I mean there's nothing hard in walking up to him and saying a 'hello group mate' right? It's that easy. But what if I fumble?

I kept going through all this in my head as I prepared for school the following day. Even though I wasn't successful in confessing my feelings to Melvin the previous day but at least I got a golden opportunity to work with him for a long period of 3 weeks.

"I'm off mum." I said as I got down.

"So soon? Won't you have your breakfast first?"

"Not at all. I'm not really hungry. I'll just eat in school. Bye mum." I quickly left. I didn't want to engage in any further discussion because I didn't want anyone damping my high spirit today. And moreover I also wanted to avoid Paul. I won't let him get to me as he did yesterday.

"Take care of yourself and make sure you have your lunch!" mum shouted across. But little did she know the excitement of seeing Melvin that very day had consumed my hunger.

"Hey you." I stopped in my track as I heard that voice. I recognized it. It was Caramel; the sassy girl from yesterday. I latter learnt her name after she was placed in a group. I had gone to my locker to get my books for class when she and her friends blocked my path. "I could bet you are over excited huh?" you could bet that girl. I got the golden cup. "Don't get too cocky yet girl. Don't rejoice yet."

"What exactly do you mean?" I said trying my best not to sound over confident. "I wasn't the one who placed us in a group."

"I know you weren't but you could change that. Go meet Miss Dough and tell her you want out of your group with Melvin."


"Don't dare question her." One of her friends who I latter learnt was Siena by name.

"It's okay Siena don't raise your voice. People might start looking here. I believe you didn't hear me earlier. Go straight to Miss Dough and tell her you don't want to be group mates with Melvin. I could allow you and Oliver be, I mean losers fit each other."

"I can't do that. I'm sorry." There's no way I'm going to allow this girls reap me off of what I've prayed so much to have.

"Oh really? Why is it because you have feelings for him?" my heart began racing fast. I didn't know what exactly to do.

"If you have a problem with the grouping format, I believe Miss Dough is the right person you should meet and not your fellow student." I was startled to hear Oliver's voice as he walked over to us. I was still shaking that I couldn't say anything.

"We weren't talking to you."

"I believe the three weeks for the project started from yesterday and don't you think you and your group should about now be preparing?" I noticed the anger on Caramel's face as she looked at Oliver.

"I'm not done with you yet." She said to me as she and her friends left.

"And oh I think one of your group mate is in the clinic. He tried tasting his poo."

"Ewwww!" I heard Caramel scream as she and her friends disappeared out of sight.

I couldn't stop laughing at the expression of Caramel. It served her right next time she should pick her equal.

"Way to go." I said to Oliver as we walked side by side. "You were good earlier."

"Didn't do much." He had his hands in his pockets as we strolled to class. "So how is it going to be?"

"How's what going to be?"

"Remember we have a group assignment that includes both Melvin and us. And by the look of things neither of us has said anything to the guy."

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