Headcanon #100

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Mikey used to jump on the bed a lot when the turtles were younger. His
brothers hated it, and it was one of the main reasons why they all wanted separate rooms.

I wonder what the other reasons are.
100 headcanons!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊
Wow already 100, time goes by really fast. 😁 I would be happy about this but my sore throat is really annoying me right now. I have no idea how I got a sore throat I just woke up finding my throat really sore. But my voice doesn't sound hoarse or raspy like other times I had a sore throat. Its probably nothing and just being my paranoid self. 😂 But I'm gonna try and ignore it and be happy cause this is really amazing. You all are super amazing! ❤
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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