Headcanon #85

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Leo and Raph has fought over the blue bandana until Raph had decided that red was better and they began fighting over which colour was better.

Leo and Raph fight over the smallest things. 😂 You know yesterday I asked my parents if we can go to the mall so I can buy myself some new P.E. shoes because the one I have are ripped and my parents said we were gonna go. And then my dad asked why do I want to go to the mall I said nothing cause he gets mad when I say I need new shoes. And because I didn't say why I want to go they didn't want to go anymore. My sister was like we'll go tomorrow. When they say we'll go tomorrow it's an automatic no. I need to go before I don't have any more money.   😢
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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