"When one of the girls in the older grades discovered this place, she got together some of her friends and fixed the course. It's mainly for those wanting to practice are unable to because they have no one to ride with, especially around exam time" Mia explains as we made our way towards the course, I took in as much as I could, even though we just came out of winter it was really green and leafy. Over the next peak I could see the start of a lake which had the reflection of the trees on it, this area was like something out of a fairy tale book.

"That's awesome, who was it that discovered this place if you don't mind me asking?"

"Sabrina Chapman, she's a good friend of mine and suggested I show you this place if you ever need to practice or get away from the hype of school" Mia explains.

"She's sounds familiar, isn't she-"

"-Americas defending champion in under 18's eventing?" Allison finishes raising her eyebrows.

"No kidding, wow, it slipped my mind that she attends EFA..." after a moment of silence I speak again.

"I don't understand, why does she want me to know about this place, we haven't spoken in ages" I was confused by this point of time.

"What ever the reason, she must like you" Mia shrugs as we continue riding the horses.

"Does anyone else from our grade know about this place"

"No I don't believe so, only Scarlett and I, it's more the juniors" Mia shook her head.

"Well enough of talking I need to try out this cross country course" I tease encouraging Storm into a canter towards the jumps layed out.

"Wait up for me" Mia calls laughing at my enthusiasm.

I can hear her not far behind me but far enough that if I fell she could pull up quickly.

"Come on Storm, we can go faster then this" I encourage having him increase to a slow gallop, the wind whipping through my hair. It's been a while since we have done cross country and I'm not letting my last fall faze me one bit, neither is Storm. As we arrive at the first smaller jump I ask for him to extend his stride so he took off at the perfect moment. Storm picks up on the cue and we whiz over the jump landing on the other side with a soft thud, taking off over the hill to another jump. Galloping by the lake we jump a few more jumps and head for a jump identical to the one which Storm and I had our fall at. I could feel him start slowing and trying to weave making me nervous, pushing the feeling aside I get him moving forward once again with as many cues I could possibly give him. Flying over the jump I give him a big pat and slow him into a walk, turning around waiting for Mia to catch up. Less then a minute later Mia is next to us smiling, she was just as thrilled as I was being able to get back out on a cross country course.

"If you follow me I'll show you a different way back and we can go for a gallop" Mia suggests.

"Lead the way" I motion, Mia takes no time to turn Star towards the treeline and head off at a lope seeming that the mare had plenty of energy to burn, just as Storm does. As we made our way through the woods, I listen intently to the birds chirping as a cold breeze sweeps through the trees. We slow down to a trot as we make our way through a valley where it's more damp from melted snow, spring wasn't for another month but being in Florida I wasn't surprised. We were up in north Florida where it can snow throughout December and maybe January but not as severely. After a nice long gallop, we reach the all familiar gate to get back into EFA grounds, I couldn't be anymore relieved, I almost forgot that I was breaking the rules.

As we made our way through the gate, securing it behind us, Mia and I chat happily, perhaps it wasn't as bad as I thought. We thoroughly enjoy ourselves and didn't get caught, we also had spent most of our waiting time for tryouts out on the trails not agonising over it. In turn I concluded that as of right now it would be in my best interest not to join another school sports team, my main priority was to compete regularly on Storm and keep up my grades. Playing volleyball would limit my riding time which I really needed this year if I'm to raise my performance to EFA standard. Scarlett too was on the same boat as me, not joining a team means we would have more time available to go to competitions and see other grades perform. I'm not exactly sure how Mia handles that kind of work load, how can one do cheerleading, volleyball, be in the best riding team in her year level and still get amazing grades.

With the barn looming ahead, Mia asks if I could help her quickly take care of Star so she can leave for her trials early. I had no issue helping her groom and then put away Star, Storm was happy enough to munch on hay with his gear airing out nearby. As soon as we finished with Star, Mia made her way to the trials while I wished her good luck, not that she needs it. It was nice to finally have some alone time with Storm and give him a groom, being busy with getting ready and arriving at EFA really limited my time I got to bond with him. Finally some silence. But of course that was cut short when a pony raced past me almost knocking me down as I tried exiting Storms stall. I groan in frustration, only that would happen to me. Two younger girls looking around 9 or 10 run after the pony calling it's name but I decide not to get involved, there must be an adult supervising them somewhere. As I am about to leave I hear quick hoof beats running back towards my way again, some trouble that pony must be. Considering the girls looked young, I decide to step in, making a loop in Storms lead rope I wait for the pony around a corner. Once I see it I stick the lope out last minute successfully catching the nifty little thing who then tries to drag me.

"Whoa" I repeat calmly to the shetland pony as it pulls on the lead rope defiantly before calming down. I hear the running footsteps of the two girls as they came around the corner, relief immediately washing through their faces.

"You caught him! Thank you so much" the little blonde says huffing, I'm assuming it was his halter that was in her hands. Her brunette friend nods in agreement, while her friend quickly goes to put the troublemakers halter on

"I'm Melanie by the way, and that's Nina" the brunette introduces.

"Taylor, what's this little buggers name?" I ask amused by the whole situation.

"Mischief, we were trying to teach him tricks but he ran off" Nina explains before giving the pony a grumpy look.

"Can you please not say anything to anyone, he's a school horse and my sister was expecting me to be exercising my horses today, otherwise she'll tell on me to our parents" Melanie pleas with a pout on her face. I gave them a smile, this pony clearly wanted to get up to no good and they were putting the effort into changing it, who was I to stop them?

"My lips are sealed, your secret is safe with me" I promise untying Storms lead rope from the pony's neck, such a fitting name for the little guy.

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