Chapter 12

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-3 hours later-

Juelz Shawn Wilson was born, he was so beautiful I cried and my family thought he was an angel. Ariana started to hold him and she looked happy and then Shawn texted me and said " I love the both of y'all" I wanted to FaceTime him but I could he can't. Not now, so I just waited. Ariana stood by my side the whole time I love her to death. This baby needs her and Shawn for anything.

-------------- 2 weeks later----------------

On FaceTime:

Shawn: I'll be home sooner than you know it

Janelle: You need to!

Shawn: Where JuJu?

Janelle: With Ariana

Shawn: Well.... I have to go love you

-hangs up-

I got bored and needed a break from family and needed my alone time. I went in my car and drove to the spa. I went in there..... AND THEN I SAW KENNEDY

Remember her? She's the one who was Jordan's ex in high school? The one Ariana beaten bad? YES HER! She came up to me and hugged me:

Kennedy: Hey, I'm so sorry about you and Jordan it was all over the news.

Janelle: Thanks .....

Kennedy: How are you?

Janelle: good and you?

Kennedy: I've been okay I don't live here I live in NYC with 2 kids and I graduated from college and now I'm going back for masters degree.

Janelle: That's very good!

Kennedy: Yeah Come Outside with me?

Janelle: Okay

---goes outside--

Kennedy goes to her car and pulls out.....

Janelle : NO WAY NOOO


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