Chapter 8

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I opened up the door and I see paparazzi snapping Photos of me. I bust open a window and left and went in the car and pulled off home. I got home and went to sleep scared and shocked. I start thinking about Jordan the next morning. He called me:

Janelle: Hello?

Jordan: I'm so done Janelle how could you? You are my everything and I get to my apartment and see you on News and saw you was with Ray Ray. I am trying my hardest I am in college and getting good grades and everything just for you and me. You aren't successful at all you need to look in the mirror you are nothing. Taking care of your own moms kid you need to do you.

Janelle: Please just give me one more chance it's not what you think. Your right and Ray actually raped me but I'm starting my life over. Just please one more chance for me and you.

Jordan: Umm, I will give You a chance when you get you life together

-Jordan hangs up-

I cry and cry and thought I do need to change. I tell Monica and Ariana and Jasmine that I am moving and out and Jasmine is going to have to go back to Atlanta and I'm moving to Connecticut because my college scholarship is there for basketball. Jasmine gets upset but it's better for me and her and my future. Monica and Them understands but it's time for my mom to understand I call my mom and she don't answers well I'm gonna send Jasmine on the plane without her knowing it's better for it anyways. Special Delivery for Mom!

The Next Morning I Hug Jasmine, And takes her to the LAX and she goes on the plane and she is happy to go back to her old school where she belongs. Now here I go on the plane to Connecticut. I'm happy their basketball team is A1. I am aiming for point guard. I want my family and my love to be proud of me they are gonna see.

I'm on the plane and I'm on FaceTime with my Cousin Taya and she plays for Notre Dame. She is the best I love her! She tells me how it is for her and her team and how his season is going to be and I'm going to be happy to play against my family though! I get to see family and all. But now I got things to do so I tell her I will call her later. I set a plan out for my future but I start to worry about Jordan because he keeps talking about me and yelling about me on the phone. I feel that something is up. I call him and he doesn't answer. Oh well, he's probably at work or school. I just went to sleep.

-Next Morning-

I got off the plane and got dropped off at this nice ass condo! I'm so excited to start school tomorrow a lot of things to discover. New life just began I can't wait to hear Coaches yelling, and the basketballs and everything. I unpack things and then later. I start to watch tv and watch Degrassi DUH best show ever!! I got sleepy and went to sleep on the couch.

-3 hours later-

It's 8:30 I get a call from my sister.

Jasmine: Hey Nelly I miss you

Janelle: I miss you already too.

Jasmine: Mom kept her job and we are just sitting here can't wait to go to school.

Janelle: Good make sure you tell mom that you have Kemo In the afternoon tomorrow.

Jasmine: Okay I have to go I have to get clothes ready for school.

Janelle: Bye.

I go to sleep and I had a night mare..... Jordan was cheating on me with my best friend Ariana and he tried to kill me and everything. I got scared I woke up it was 6:30 am. I went in the shower and put my clothes on and went to school and everybody looked at me. I had on a red Adidas sweat suit with my red Adidas and I went in class and I saw.... THAT BOY.... NOOO him ! Could it be? The boy that called me a bitch and I hit him and got expelled from my performing arts school. I was scared. I ignored it no biggie! Then after school it was basketball and Coach Geno Saw me.

Coach: Janelle Welcome To uConn great to have you here!

Janelle: I am excited.

Coach: Okay Ladies Now Let's play some ball....

-2 hours later-

Basketball got me tired I got it together foreal. I went home and did homework and I called Jordan again. He didn't answer I'm like WHAT THE FUCK?. He doesn't care. Well I guess I can FaceTime my secret Bestfriend... You know what I mean ..... Okay I been hiding around I have a friend name Shawn he's just a friend he plays for Uconn boys. I'm actually excited to text him foreal. I call him:

Shawn: Hey Buddy

Janelle: Shawnn dude

Shawn: How was your first day?

Janelle: It was okay. I didn't see you today why?

Shawn: I got scouted for NBA.

Janelle: Really congrats Boy!

Shawn: Hey I'm not a boy I'm a Mann

(Makes funny faces)

Janelle: Haha , well I need your advice ...

Shawn: On what??


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