Chapter 1

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My name is Janelle but you can call me Nelly. Basketball is life as you can tell it's runs in the family. My mom was a WNBA star until she stopped because she had cancer and she survived it. It passed on down to my little sister that is 13 her name is Jasmine. All of us has J's in our names. My moms name is Jamie and my brothers is Jaden and my dad's name is Jerell but he doesn't lives with us either they are divorced and I live with my mom and sister and brother.

Now to tell you, I have been at Atlanta Performing Arts since kindergarten and I have gotten expelled for fighting a boy that called me a bitch. This is my first day at a public high school and to tell you I don't know anybody so let's see how this goes.

Mom: Nelly wake up first day!

Me: Ugh, I shouldn't have never hit that boy. That was a dumb decision, Mom please can you call the school see if they can take me back please !!

Mom: Okay I will try to see but you still have to go!

I sighed and went upstairs and got dressed and went to the car and pulled up to the school

?: Yo look at shawty she bad

?: I need that number

Mom: ooo Nelly bouta get numbers ooo kill em

Jasmine: mom come on we have to go to the doctors for my kemo therapy

Janelle: bye mom

Mom: Bye I'll be here at 3:25!

Mom leaves and I walked in and people are staring at me like damnnn and they asking for my number and stuff

*skips to lunch*

?: Aye sit here .

Janelle : So?

?: okay my name is Monica and this is Ariana

Ariana: Aye I'm glad we got somebody new since I'm not new anymore god.

Monica: Right! These boys are gonna be on your neck but we saw you playing basketball in the gym you can play. You got mad swag bro.

Janelle: Thanks

Monica: What's your name anyways?

Janelle:My name is Janelle but call me Nelly for short

Ariana: Okay wassup Nelly

Monica: you should try out for the basketball team you would be a awesome point guard.

Ariana: You forgot that Kennedy is our point guard. She don't take no bull shit she ain't gone let you take it.

Monica: Aw Shit I forgot.

Janelle(Me): Watch how I take it though!!

*Ole girl Kennedy walks up*

Kennedy: Aye I heard you was good in bball. Good luck trying out don't take my spot tho

*three girls walks away laughing with her*

Monica: man I wanna beat all they ass let me Ariana please?

Ariana: Leave it alone

Janelle: They mean as hell.

Ariana : YESS bro ignorant little bitches.

*bell rings*

I walked away and went to my locker and I walked to class and saw the girl Kennedy and she was fighting this girl and I stopped and watched like everyone else did and I went to see who she was getting beat up by and I went to look it was Ariana! Oh my god I was shocked Ariana was cool and she beat Kennedy's ass.

*Everybody is screaming like "omg she beat the fuck outta her"*

I walked away and I ran into the cute boy I was talking about and our eyes met like he is so cute y'all.

The boy: watch out watch out Spalding

Janelle: my name isn't Spalding

I thought of that and then I realize he was calling me the name of my basketball I brought to school and I started to laugh.

Janelle: wait . what's your name ?

The boy: Jordan

Janelle : my name is Janelle but can nelly

Jordan : wassup Janelle

*bell rings again*

Janelle: dang I'm tardy

Jordan: what's your next class?

Janelle: Physical Education

Jordan: Same class, Mr.Hill cool he will not mark you tardy he cool foreal. Walk with me there.

* I walk with him and we talked about each other I got to know him a little bit in gym too so like 20 minutes before the bell rung for us to leave which means school was gone be over*

Jordan: You got a number?

Janelle: yeah

I gave my number to him and we talked some more and we added each other on Facebook and followed each other on Instagram. We even played 1 on 1 in basketball he good foreal. I won though.

*bell rings*

Jordan: Let me walk to your locker

Janelle : Okay

*We walk and everybody like awe Jordan I see you bro*

Janelle: Haha

Jordan: it ain't even like that

I got my stuff and walked outside and went in the car

Mom: How was your day?

Janelle: it was okay I guess

Mom: I have bad news

Janelle: What is it

Mom: your sister is loosing hair and her blood cells aren't flowing well it can get worst to limiting days she will live

I cry I don't want to loose my sister

Mom: it will be alright trust me nelly


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