Chapter 19

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I went to Shawn's funeral and it was so sad. Sophie and JuJu was screaming and crying seeing their dad in a casket. Monica left rehab and came to Cali to see us and came to stay with me and Juju and Sophie. We moved in a condo now instead of a mansion. I felt that it was much safer to move in a 4 bedroom condo and the condo was matte black. I spend 1 million on this so it was worth it. Things haven't been the same. I was so depressed. What made me brighten a bit was that my little sister Jasmine is pregnant she's 21 now. She graduated from college as a RN. Her fiancée is there for here and it's so cute to me. I'm going to visit her now in ATL. I missed my hometown. Me, Ari, Monica, and my kids pulled up at Jasmine nice house. It was so beautiful.

Jasmine: Hi sisters! Hey niece and nephew I missed y'all.

Us: Hi

Jasmine: I'm sorry for your lost Janelle. I can't believe he's gone so quick.

Janelle: I know it happened so fast.

Ari: How many months are you Jasmine?

Jasmine: 7

Janelle: Is it a boy or girl?

Jasmine: Girl

Janelle: What's gonna be her name?

Jasmine: Kali

Janelle: Huh why not a J?

Jasmine: My fiancées name is Kaylon so why won't I?

Ari: So it's spelled Cali with a K

Jasmine: Exactly

Janelle: You messing up the J legacy

Jasmine: You have Sophie not a J so.

Janelle: I have a J ... JUELZ.

Jasmine: What is wrong with you? I do what I want this is my family.

Ari: I agree...

Janelle: Ariana your never on my side. Nothing is wrong you just messed things up. You always had everything with you stupid cancer.

*Everyone Gasps*

Jasmine: Get the hell out my house. I see why Shawn left your dumb ass. I'm so grateful to have this baby. The doctor told me it was 75% chance I couldn't have babies. I beat cancer you should be proud for me. GET THE HELL OUT NOW.

Janelle: I'll leave fuck the family I never needed any of y'all. Jaden and you was never shit to me at all!



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