"Slytherin scores!" Lee announced sourly, and the Slytherin cheered wildly while the Gryffindors booed.

Ron's face was still very green, and suddenly they could hear what the Slytherins were chanting.

Weasley can not save a thing
He cannot block a single ring
That's why all Slytherins sing
Weasley is our king

Rage flared up in Annabeth as she snatched the Quaffle from Jason's throw. Zig-zagging around the beaters Goyle and Amelia, she chucked the ball as hard as she could, but before her fingers left it, she felt something whiz by her head, followed by a very painful smack in her shoulder. The Quaffle was sent spinning above the hoops.

"Foul!" Lee Jordan screeched, pointing at Goyle. "That's a foul!"

"Enough, Lee," McGonagall said sharply. Annabeth dazedly caught the Quaffle thrown at her and flew up in front of the goalposts. The Keeper Cassidy faced her, mouth set in a hard line as she leaned slightly over her broom. Annabeth was going to miss it; it was inevitable; her shoulder felt broken; the Quaffle spun as it flew, curving from its path through the center hoop into the left goal.

"Gryffindor scores!" Lee yelled as Gryffindor and most of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff cheered wildly.

Annabeth refrained to look at Jason as they went back in play, but Piper shot him a really? look.

Cassidy chucked the ball to Bella, who took off, looping around the Slytherin posts, making sharp turns and throwing off Angelina, who was tailing her. Bella turned to pass to Chris, who smacked it down with his hand into Piper's arms, who threw it at an angle, sailing past Ron before he could turn.

The Gryffindors let out a groan, and the Slytherins paused in the middle of Weasley was born in a bin to yell out in triumph, so it sounded like,


Jason snatched the falling Quaffle and took off at lightning speed, zooming across the pitch. He threw the ball, but it spun off his fingers and Cassidy zipped in front of the goal— too fast— somehow the tail of her broom smacked the ball from the air. It fell to Piper, who was circling below. She flew off again, Angelina and Annabeth flying after her. They were gaining— and Piper made a cross-pitch throw.

"Block it, Ron!" Lee howled, but once again it slid right by the keeper.

Abandoning all efforts to intercept Piper, Annabeth quickly glanced up to where Harry was circling up above the stands. All of a sudden, he went into a sharp dive, arm extended. There was a brief moment of suspense in which Piper seized the ball ad scored twice again before Harry grasped the Snitch, holding it tightly in his hands, and Goyle smashed a bludger into his back, sending Harry sprawling to the ground.

"Yes!" Annabeth pumped her fist into the air. She and the other players zoomed to Harry, grinning broadly, and on the side, she could see Bella throw down the Quaffle bitterly.

"Saved Weasley's neck, haven't you?" Malfoy sneered at Harry over the calls of congratulations. "I've never seen a worse Keeper... but then he was born in a bin. Like my lyrics, Potter?"

"Shove your head up a cyclops butt," Jason snapped.

"We wanted to write another couple verses!" Malfoy continued. "But we couldn't find rhymes for fat and ugly— for his mother, see."

Fred and George had apparently realized what Malfoy was talking about.

"And we couldn't fit useless loser either— for his father, you know."

It took Jason and Harry to restrain Fred, while Annabeth clasped her hand around George's fist as he was about to swing it at Malfoy. Angelina ran in front of them and made a barrier, her arms spread wide.

"Leave it," she warned, but Malfoy continued.

"But you like the Weasleys, don't you, Potter? Spend the holidays there and everything? Can't see how you can stand the stink, but I suppose you remember the smell of your mother's house, so even the Weasley's pigsty smells alright—"

All three boys ran at Malfoy, and in an instant, he was on the ground, struggling as Harry, Fred, and George attacked him. Crabbe And Goyle launched in also, and the six boys sent billows of dust into the air as they kicked and clawed.

"Stop it! Harry! Fred! George! No! Stop!" Angelina shrieked, scrambling up from the ground where she was knocked over.

"IMPEDIMENTA!" A voice yelled, and they were thrown away from each other. Madam Hooch came storming down the field. "What do you think you're doing?" She screamed. "All of you! To your head of houses! Now!"

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