Stuck In The Middle With You

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Are you being led by your spirit or your wound?

"I could kill him?"

Frustrated, Kenna huffed as she slumped back against the plump chair and pulled her hands down her face in distress.

After a few moments of contemplating her unfortunate existence, Kenna uncovered her face and gave the boy opposite her a tired look.

"No we cannot, Thomas," she replied.

Mockingly, Tom scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Why not? Because he's your ex-boyfriend?"

Why had Kenna come to Tom for comfort? Then again, she didn't even know if comfort what she was looking for.

The news shocked her then it hurt her and broke her and confused her. Like the selfish person she was, Kenna wanted someone to feel sorry for her.

It wasn't fair. Plain and simple. It was not fair.

"It has nothing to do with that," Kenna bit back, sounding more irritated than she actually was.

In all honestly, Kenna knew why she came to Tom when everything felt like it was breaking. She knew why but she wouldn't admit it just yet.

The boy clicked his tongue. "It has a little to do with that," he teased with a cocky smirk planted on his face.

Rolling her eyes, Kenna sighed to exaggerate the fact she was distressed and stood to walk closer to the fireplace.

Blankly, she gazed at the flames, watching the colours swim over each other wildly, mirroring her thoughts. Soon enough, a hand was slipping into her's and Kenna couldn't seem to think of anything else.

"I'll fix this," Tom declaredly confidently.

Kenna linked their fingers together. "You can't fix this, Tommy."

She knew that was a lie. Tom could easily fix this and Kenna knew he would if she let him. But she didn't want that. She couldn't want that.

"Like hell I can't," Tom argued, clearly annoyed that she doubted him. "You think I'm going to sit here idly while you fade away? Because I won't. I'll burn the world down before it even thinks of harming you."

Mindlessly, she squeezed his hand harder. "You're a fool, Tom Riddle," she replied, though her heart filled with a warmth she couldn't control and her eyes betrayed her when they flicked over to admire his face.

His perfectly carved face, crafted by the Gods, which was wrinkled with worry and anger all for her.

This boy never stopped loving her.

"You really are fearless, aren't you Karmakov?" Tom asked with the flicker of a smirk gracing his face.

Only when i'm with you, she wanted to say but instead Kenna withdrew her hand and moved to sit on her plump chair, quickly changing the topic.

Her pale hands rested on the glimmering locket that laid on her chest. "Have you decided who it's going to be?" She asked and the nonchalant in her voice almost made her heave. This had become Kenna's normal.

Karamakov•Tom Riddle FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now