It's A Little Bit Funny

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I'm going to make it through this year even if it kills me.

Kenna stopped and absorbed in the building before her. She was back but this time she was ready. Checking her black skirt was in place and her white shirt was tucked in, Kenna took a deep breath and began to walk.

The hall was crowded, as always, and the first years still drenched of excitement but Kenna kept on walking, trying not to think about it.

She knew envisioning the future was nostalgic but for her...kind, it was a necessary. Though, even if it was a necessary, she didn't want nor need it.

Dumbledore had explained that Banshees were rare, so rare that Kenna was the only one alive today. Maybe it ran in her family, no one would ever know, or maybe it was a sickly coincidence. Either way, Kenna didn't want it.

A banshee is a person who can sense death by voices in their heads or messages and drawings they create. They sometimes scream to block out inconvenient noise but they only wail when death is about to happen or has happened.

Kenna had been drawn to dead bodies, abandoned houses and murder scenes all summer. She hasn't slept more then four hours in weeks, becoming haunted and pursued by all the voices in her head.

Dumbledore said maybe one day she could control it but Kenna wasn't that optimistic.

The main hall was vibrant and glowed with a fresh start. The air smelt of something sweet and Kenna could feel the cold of the marble beneath her feet. Everything she saw was gold and beautiful and everything she heard was light and elated.

Kenna made her way towards the scarlet and golden decorated Gryffindor table with a small smile on her face. Everything looked new, everything looked shiny and everything looked beautiful.

No matter what she heard in her head or how she woke up screaming, Kenna had her friends, her family and her life, which is more then most people could say.

Sliding on to the warm bench, Kenna tapped her best friend on the shoulder. Teddy Hatney span around with a smile and not soon after Hanna Relly's blonde head leaned over the table with a gorgeous laugh.

Kenna had missed them immensely. They had been her rock ever since Albania, they had always come round her house and stayed awake with her when she was too afraid to go to sleep. And now Kenna was ready to be their rock.

Teddy threaded his hand within the pale girl's hand and squeezed it softly as Hanna ranted on about her lost summer love. A muggle called Kali with red hair was all Kenna could gather.

Just as Hanna's rant came to a close, Armando Dippet began his infamous speech and the sorting hand was plucked from head to head. Kenna sat and watched politely, clapped when it was needed and smiled at the new Gryffindors.

Kenna let herself relax and somehow forgot about everything. She could wake up tomorrow morning and worry about everything that was trying to break her.

But she wasn't going to be the weak fragile girl who cried all the rain in the sky and drank herself half to death just so she could feel sorry the next day.

Kenna was a banshee. A strong spirit who could sense if a person was going to die. She wasn't weak, she had a purpose now. Everybody told her so and everybody had better opinions then Kenna ever could.

When the feast drew to an end and the enchanted ceiling turned a deep musty blue littered with diamonds, Kenna raised from her bench, with the smell of meat still lingering in the air, and let her friends escort her from the hall.

Once they reached the common room, Kenna felt herself start to become uneven due to tiredness. She was never normally tired but she wasn't going to complain.

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