More Than Words

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Accepting love from yourself is braver than accepting love from someone else.

"I hate this room," Tom muttered as he sat down in his seat.

"I thought you'd loved it, since you found it," Kenna commented, still feeling uncomfortable.

Tom sighed the way he did when Kenna would talk. "Finding a place like this, Kenna, isn't a good thing."

Looking around the room, Kenna understood what Tom meant. It could be filled with happy people and still feel lonely.

Her eyes quickly found their way back to Tom, who was sitting there as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

"I think something's wrong with me," Kenna told him, breaking the silence.

Tom's eyes rose. "How so?"

Kenna tried to find the words that wouldn't make her sound so pathetic. "I think people are starting to forget me."

Tom didn't respond straight away but, when he did, it wasn't what Kenna was expecting.

"How could they?" He asked, simply.

Kenna scrunched her eyebrows together. "I don't... what do you mean?"

Slowly, Tom sighed and then stood up. Although she tried, Kenna couldn't take her eyes off of him.

He looked tired and she knew his bones were as strong as they were fragile.

Kenna thought the reason he must be so cold was because the fire inside of him took all the warmth.

She also thought the reason he was so handsome on the outside was because he was so ugly inside

"What I mean," Tom said, drawing Kenna's attention, "is that how could someone forget you? I've tried and, trust me, it's not so easily done."

"No, Tom, you're not listening-"

"That's because I never listen. I don't listen because I'm cold hearted, I don't care about your feelings and because there's no way I could be in love with someone like you, right?"

Kenna scoffed and stood up. "If you're trying to prove otherwise then interrupting everything I say isn't a good-"

Tom laughed harshly, cutting Kenna off, and looked as if he trying to lean in. Quickly, Kenna moved out the way.

"Don't kiss me," was all she could say with a straight face.

Tom cocked his eyebrow and had the audacity to smirk. "Ever?"

His change in mood distracted Kenna in such a way that she had forgotten why she came here in the first place.

"What's wrong with you?" She questioned.

Tom shrugged, nonchalantly. "I missed you."

"I didn't think you knew how."

"Neither did I."

Powerlessly, Kenna wanted to tell Tom she missed him too but she knew it wouldn't change anything.

Karamakov•Tom Riddle FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now