not forgiven

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Chris POV:

Soft hands caressing my skin with such tenderness that I could not help but moan,captivating eyes staring at my every movement,gentle lips causing tremors down my spine. The intense pleasure engulfed me in a fervent heat.

Then suddenly that warmth was going away,fading slowly. I called for it,cried for it. It's painful,excruciatingly painful,like someone was squeezing my heart. It hurts. Stop it.

Please don't go!

"-ro!Bro! Wake up!"I was shaken awake by a worried looking Danny.

" Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I was just having a dream..."

"Oh,uh, your nerdy assistant is looking for you."

" I'm not nerdy! "My subordinate,again,I forgot his name. What was it? It's something from the Bible...uh...Nel? Bel?Avel? Ya Abel.

A large pillow went directly on Abel's face. A cute chuckle left Danny. Abel's face went scarlet red from anger.

Danny always run amok ...

Pillows went flying as Abel's screams and Danny's chuckles filled the room.

This felt nostalgic. After all it's been a while I had a normal day with me falling asleep at five in the morning and waking up at nine to go to work with Abel picking me up.

"Haa... Your brother is the complete opposite of you, Mr. Chris. He sure is energetic. How do you two manage to get along so well?"

"That's because he's my wonderful and amazing big brother? " Danny said as he hugged me from behind as I fried some shrimps. Ah,it's been a while since I had fresh shrimps too. I wanna eat seafood.

I smiled at Danny as he opened his mouth with an 'Ah'. I pushed a strawberry inside his waiting mouth and he moaned at the sweetness.

" Chris,you're so cute!" My little brother pinched my left cheek.

"Huh? You're the cute one Danny." I said. How could he find me cute?

After two hours,wearing a ridiculously expensive suit with a baby blue tie,I left the house with,uh,Adel? I think it was something around that.

The reason why I had to wear a pathetic suit today and brush my hair and use gel to keep it tamed was because we had a meeting with some buyers or stuff that only the sales department knows but I had been begged or more like blackmailed by John to tag along.


" Don't make it seem like I forced you to tag along Chrissy. You're sighing too much." John mocked

"Well it's true but I am happy that you are taking mom with you for some days. I am truly grateful." I said

"You're as sarcastic as always." He said pushing his hand to pinch my cheek but I avoided him.

Arriving at an absurdly luxurious hotel,we made our way inside where the meeting was taking place. The place was architecturally good with a beautiful and classy interior decor but somehow, I still thought that that guy's house was better. The hotel lacked warmth. It was cold. Well not cold because of the AC but ...

Why everyone was looking at us like we were delicious meat ,well,I'll never understand that.

Some loud gasps were heard near the reception. Usually I would never turn to look but I did and immediately regretted that.

A tall,lean and strikingly mesmerising figure in black. His hair were perfectly tamed back,making his eyes his main focus of attraction. His greyish orbs were lethally seductive. He had an Alexander Amosu suit with a red tie. Again why does even his colour choice need to be hot?

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