Chapter 2 | Hiring

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Chris' POV:

"So your name is Chris Salvador, you're twenty one, you're a young man pursuing his studies at the university and you need this job to support your studies?"A man with a stuck-up face asked me in one of the most serious voice. He was wearing all black; a black, long tail coat with white button up shirt and gloves. I mean like, are you kidding me? Who freaking wears this kind of clothing these days? This man looks like he just had a bounce through time or like one of those fancy old time butlers. I hope you watched Alice in wonderland.

Thankfully, I was not that shocked when i got in and saw a woman in her fifties, wearing an ancient looking maid outfit ,like the one they wore in the Victorian era, because I had done a little bit of research on them. So Liam Knight is from a noble line and his household had been against his working as an individual and not taking up on the family business but he was called back when his old man was dying and he was forgiven with the usual line "Even though you worked from scratch, you worked hard and managed to make your business flourish, it's thanks to my teaching. Now i'm leaving my whole property in your skillful hands." He is now one of the richest and hottest bachelor in the world.

In short, he's Mr.Perfect... I really don't care... I'm just so sleepy. The probability of me getting this job is two over three, one because his ex-cook tried to kill him and was caught red-handed, so they would most probably hire a younger, less suspicious person with a normal background. Two is because I'm pretty good with my hands and the guy, Liam, It seems he likes normal food, unlike the usual Five star hotel one. Every youngster like KFC!

"Give us your number and we shall contact you if you are selected, that is after the food you prepared is approved by Sir Liam."

After that I did all I could to cook something worth it. I made Indian food, that consisted of curry, both spicy and sweet and some Indian sweets as desert, like barfi and laddoo. It was quite bothersome that the maids were stalking me like hungry foes. I still don't understand what people find attractive about me, I mean what is so hot about a young chief engineer with a few muscles and a soft skin?

When i returned home with my usual bored expression, I was met with the devil's smirky one.

"Lemme guess,you didn't get the -"

"I got it!" I said, sticking my tongue out,"Everyone has a weak spot for my Indian curry." I noticed the mysterious Mona Lisa smile of my mom.  Definitely fishy...

"Unfortunately, the job is not only cooking but also kinda of a personal assistant.They said that since Liam is young, he should have young people in his suroundings and the worst part is that i'm gonna have to stay there. So,mom, you have to take care of my house till i come back."

"Oh honey, I will!" God why do I love her? I don't wanna leave my sweet haven to Satan

"Haa..." I sighed as I finished unpacking my things. I must admit it, this house was pretty impressive. The principal branch mansion of the Knights' family lives up to the noble name. I looked at my watch which showed seven already. Mr. Butler told me I could rest for today and get up at six tomorrow to make breakfast and that everything should be less sweet because Liam hated sweet things. Urgh, I should get the habit of calling him sir, it's gonna be so easy for someone like me who has never even called his boss, boss.

The next morning, I woke up at five thirty and I did my daily duties. One thing I learnt from Medusa, is that we should always be early in whatever we do, but who would have thought that this fateful morning would turn my life upside down. At sharp six, I entered the kitchen and started getting familiar with the kitchen and I started making juice and putting eggs out with their utensils. I crushed the fruits in the grinder. I removed the ice cubes from the refrigerator and turned around when I bumped into a hard body and fell on my bum. I was about to curse that person when I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. I looked up to glare at the body in front of me. Realistion hit me. In front of me stood a very hot-looking Liam, shirtless and covered in sweat. His cold, midnight black eyes gazed at me. His eyes held all my attention as I locked mine in them. His eyes were intense and they gave me goosebumps. They gave the same shivers as when gazing at the moon on a chilly night .We stayed like that for God knows how long before I broke eye contact and tried to stand up.

"Excuse me for bumping into you." I said, hoping he would get the hint while supporting my paining body on the kitchen counter. It was until I winced and whined in pain that he put a hand on my hips and literally lifted me and placed me on the kitchen counter. What the hell! Am I some girl or something? How could he just lift me up? He stayed silent as he trailed his fingers on my leg and applied pressure, searching where it pained me. I kinda felt shivers wherever his piercing eyes travelled . I followed his every movement until he pressed the bone at my ankle and I let out a small cry of pain.


He looked up at me and his cold expression softened just a tiny bit and for a split of second, I saw a worried expression as if he was sorry that I was in pain because of him, yet no word left his lips. He massaged my sprain by rubbing soothing circles with his warm fingers. He was about to twist my foot as I saw him using both hand when fear washed over me. I know i'm such a coward but I hate pain.

"W-wait,let it be, I'll do something about it later."

He gave me a reassuring look before twisting my foot and I gritted my teeth to prevent myself from screaming out loud. I'm a man dammit. I freaking heard a cracking sound! After a sharp pain,I felt a calming effect, as if when you get an injection and then you feel okay. He got up and helped me down . He maintained his silence as he turned and pressed the grinder's button, putting a glass under the small tap and filling the glass. Then he turned to me and he put his hands around me and behind. What's with this situation? It's like he's embracing me! He took two ice cubes from behind me and put it in his glass. He gulped the juice at once. Maybe, I'll make juice for 'Sir' everyday from today.

He gave me a small nod and left the kitchen , giving me a glimpse of his sexy back. I don't regret all those years I spent studying instead of going to the gym but this guy would make a lot of people envious. The day went by slowly as i made preparation for lunch and left for 'school'. Obviously I went to work, aviding all kinds of security, I'm sure those people would have have me investigated . I need to be cautious and that's why I went to meet my friend at the local university and discreetly left from there to work.

I think something is happening without me knowing

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