Chapter 3 | The CEO

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Liam's POV:

I wore one of my 'I'm the rich guy' faces as I was greeted by my employees and I sighed as I entered my office. I didn't even get the time to relax my stiff muscles when a knock was heard on my door and I didn't even get the time to reply as it was burst open by my grinning secretary, Jacques Fernandez. Honestly, I wouldn't employ such a guy but unfortunately for me, this carefree guy has been with me since diapers days. He knows me like an open book.

He threw a pile of files and told me my schedule for the day which was as hectic as ever. I was grateful that in the evening I was to go on dinner with John Hoftein, the owner of the Mercedes Benz company. I can't wait to meet the wonderful engineer who made those awesome engines. I heard he even developed the designs of the car bodies himself and on top of that he's only twenty one. Maybe I'm gonna try Chinese today. Talking about food,my new cook, Gosh, he was so cute. I didn't apologise to him and I even caused him to sprain his ankle but he looked so fragile. He looks different from my other cooks, not just the fact that he's young, but he's early and he cooks really well. His cooking reminds me of my mom's. Damn, his skin was so soft. He looked like a hurt puppy, whining so sweetly.

Wait you're not gay Liam. Yeah I'm not but he was really gorgeous with his brown, shiny hair, his teary ocean blue eyes, his pale skin and his slender body. His waist felt so good around my hands when I lifted him and he smelled good. His panicking face was cute too. That was just observation. You're not gay Liam...

After a tiresome day at the office,signing papers, attending meetings and those stupid conferences, I returned home to freshen up. I took some time in the bath, trying to relax my muscles who had been complaining about how they needed a break. When I came out of the hot shower, a loose towel around my waist, I was met by a surprised young man who quickly looked away and left the room.

It's the first time someone didn't react to your body. Strange... Usually a girl would have screamed while a guy would have contemplated my sexy body but he just walked away. I put my boxers and pants on and I was buttoning my shirt when I noticed that the top button was missing. Fuck my luck! I wanted to wear this shirt today. I called for someone and my new cook came with a few things in his hands.

"Give me a minute."

He swiftly put a thread in the needle hole and placing the button on the shirt collar, he started sewing it. He was shorter than me and he had to strain his legs a bit. Remembering about his injury, I bent down. It looked like we were about to kiss. His face was so close to mine, only a few inches as he did his work like a pro. I have never liked sewing, its not like I can't but I just hate it and the reason is my sweet, adorable Home Economics teacher. Forgetting about her, this little guy wasn't even blushing, even being so close to me that I could feel his breaths on my collarbones. It gave me such shivers down my spine.

It must be because I haven't been having taking girls to hotel rooms. I think that I'm only built up that's all. I have been so busy that I had not even got time to masturbate.

He looked around, in search of something but it seems he did not find it as he approach his face, millimetres away from my neck and pulled back. You must be wondering why a billionaire like me isn't just throwing the shirt away and wearing another one, it's because of my mom. She taught me that what if we we're rich,we should value things. She really was an epitome of kindness and beauty.

"It's finished."

Woah, what was that?

I saw a small bit of thread on his lips. Why don't I never keep a pair of scissors near? I slid my fingers on his lips and traced it. It was so soft. I quickly swipe off the thread, showed it to him, pulled my coat on and left the room. I shouldn't get to enthralled by him. Being too close would only lead me to being betrayed. Love is only something whimsical and cruel. It brings only momentary happiness and then pain...

That night, when I arrived at the luxurious five star hotel, I was met by with only John. His engineer was not able to come because he was busy he told me and I was disappointed. Can my night get any better?

Short chap of Liam's POV. Hope u people like it

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