captive part 2

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Pain and silence,that's all ... I was in pitch black darkness. Anxiety constantly filled my heart. I didn't know where my baby brother was. I could only hope he was alright. They took him away after some time and put me in a cell like place. It was so cold here. My whole body was sore. It was as if I was having a severe hangover and feeling as if I had been nearly beaten to death at the same maybe it was the effect of drugs they injected us .

Suddenly,I heard a loud noise. It was the deafening sound of the cringing of old,rusty metal of the door which opened to reveal what my eyes could distinguish as two figures,two men. My tied legs were freed while my hands stayed tied up in chains. I had been in this position for so long that my hands and feet were so numb that it took me a good few minutes to walk properly without nearly falling. I felt so sick and if I wasn't claustrophobic before,then now I was. I didn't know where they were going to keep me now but I hoped it was not as revolting as this cell.

I just kept walking as the men pulled at the chains,a signal which means to follow. Given I had been in this cell for so long,my eyes had gotten used to the darkness and i noticed that I wasn't the only one kept in this dungeon-like place. Many other people with different skin colour,different backgrounds and different sex but they all looked kinda handsome,so that could mean only one thing,human trafficking. All these people were to be trafficked.Was I going to be sold too?

Why would they want someone like me,maybe because of my peculiar hair colour and all... What's gonna happen to us? I can't let this happen. I can't let my baby brother be in this shit. I need to do something. I need to get us out of here.

As we approached a door,I could feel the heat radiating from the other side in comparison to the cold here. I had to close my eyes and it took me a few minutes to get accustomed to the light as we reached a room which was quiet brightly lit,the same room where we had been kept when we first woke up. I looked around and saw Nian. His condition was no better than me and he looked kinda...flustered?

I was yanked by the hair by the same man who I guess was the leader of these guys.
"Hey beautiful." He said as he tilted my face upwards to look at him and that I did. I shot daggers at him.
"Still fierce even after a week in the cell? Interesting. Wish I could play with you but we have some buyers coming for you and your brother so I need to get you guys ready. Call Jen and Henry and tell them to get these two ready. " He barked an order to the two men in black.

Two minutes later,a girl and a man entered. The girl was a little brunette around her twenties and she had that look of fear plastered on her face as she wouldn't dare look up. The man was a tall,bulky guy who had a scar on his face and he had an annoying,perverted smirk on his lips.

"Where did you get such refine beauties this time,Patrick?" The big man asked the guy named Gane,was it,or something like that.
" Too bad we can't have a taste,the client wants fresh goods,Henry." Could this get any more repulsive that they were treating people as goods?

I was not feeling afraid but I was worried for my brother. I was helpless right now . I glanced at him ,a few meters from me,in ragged,dirty clothes. My blood boiled as I saw him in such a state but again I was helpless.
Being an educated person,all I could do was hope that the police would eventually find us. My mom and his stupid boyfriend would surely look for us. They will find us being kidnapped in the CCTV footage of the hotel.

"Bitch,you get them dressed up. Give them a bath first and do not,I repeat,do not interact with them." The man,named Henry growled at the scared girl.

We were pushed into the bathroom and our hands were freed.

"Listen boys,don't even think of escaping because you'll be caught and tortured until you get your lesson. So be good kids and let her do her job." Patrick said as he left us alone before ordering two guys to stand by the door.

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