"Your sister  better not make us wait five more minutes" said Matt. Vanessa came running out and got in the car. "I'm so sorry guys I just had to make sure that I left Harry's clothes on the bed," said Vanessa. "It's cool, I was just going to drive off if you took longer," said Matt jokingly. we drove off and headed to Damon's house. I was quite nervous because one, I didn't know anyone who was going and second, It would be my first time going to his house. I turned around to face Vanessa. "you look great!" She smiled and said the same thing to me. "She doesn't look great, she looks amazing,hot...no actually very fucking sexy!" yelled Matt. we all laughed and turned on some music to start getting in the party mood. We arrived at a big house, a house like from the movie Neighbors . "Are, are we in the right place?" I asked. "According to the Gps this is it," said Matt. We parked the car and sat there looking in disbelief that this could possibly be Damon Foster's house. I spotted Damon and he instantly noticed me in the car, he made his way to the car and I knew that meant it's time to get out the car and introduce the boyfriend to the guy friend. "Hayley! I'm glad you made it...really you're a cop too?" said Damon. Turns out we were both wearing cop costumes, and I felt how things got awkward. He leaned in and gave me a big hug. I looked up and saw Matt getting uncomfortable. Damon this is my boyfriend Matt, Matt this is Damon. For a second I thought something bad was going to happen like Matt telling him to stop seeing me, but they actually shook hands and gave each other a smile. "It's nice to finally meet the boyfriend Hayley talks about, I was going to start thinking she made you up," said Damon. Matt laughed and said, "Well I'm real and same, I finally know this mysterious Damon. By the way, you have a great place," said Matt. "Uh, excuse me, I'm here too guys," stated Vanessa. We all turned away from the house and saw her standing there. "Oh shit I'm sorry. I'm glad you came too!" said Damon. "where's the fiancé?" He asked. "He should be here in a few minutes, he had to work." Damon walked all of us inside and showed us around. There were three bedrooms, a basement, dinning room, kitchen and a family room. His house was very roomy, perfect for this many people he invited. "Well can I get any drinks for you guys?" asked Damon. "I'll take a beer please," said Matt. "I'll be driving so I'll get a coke," I said. "I'll take any vodka or whiskey if you got any," said Vanessa. "Well Vanessa is ready to get really lit haha, and alright beer, coke, and vodka coming right up." We all stood there still admiring his place. How could someone have a big place like this when it's just them by themselves?  "Did you know he was going to dress up as a cop too?" asked Matt. "what, no of course not. we wanted our costumes to be a surprise." Vanessa over heard and cut in. "I was with her, Damon had no idea what we were going to be and we didn't know his idea either." Damon came back with our drinks and I guess he knew something was wrong. "Umm...so shall we do some fun stuff guys?" he asked. I nodded and followed him to the living room where the beer pong was being held. "So who's going to go against me?" asked Damon. Nobody offered, everyone just looked around. "I will," yelled Vanessa. They got straight into the game, it was getting pretty good that almost everyone gathered to see who was winning. According to Damon's friend Mike, Damon was the champion in the house, but not today. Vanessa was kicking his ass in front of everyone. Damon would casually look up to where I was standing, I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed because every  time that he would look, Matt would kiss my cheek, grab my waist or say I love you. The game was over and the winner was my sister. "Damn I can't believe you beat me," said Damon. We all laughed and headed to the family room. "Alright so this is the dance floor. who's dancing?" asked Damon. I looked over at Matt, he shook his head and sat down on his phone. I looked over at Damon and took his hand he extended out for me to take. He led me to the dance floor and we began to dance to The Cha Cha Slide . I was having so much fun that I didn't realize I had been dancing for 20 minutes, and Harry was already here too. I looked over at the couch where Matt had sat down, but he was gone. "Hey everything ok?" asked Damon. "I don't know where Matt went." We both separated to look for Matt. "Hayley MY girlfriend, let's go fuck upstairs in Damon's room?" yelled Matt. Clearly he was drunk as hell, he was holding Seven empty beer bottles and he couldn't even walk right. "Matt shut up you're drunk." I held him on his side before he fell from the porch. "I know Damon wants to fuck you. I can see it in his eyes. He's hungry as fuck for you!" I ignored what he was saying, I was just trying to focus on getting him on the couch. "knowing you, you're probably going to wait for me to disappear again so you can go fuck him upstairs. you're nothing but a slut Hayley!" he yelled, slamming the bottles onto the floor. I was furious, he called me a slut, people heard and he breaks the bottles at my friends house. I looked around and saw half the crowd looking, not only that but Damon was standing there too. who knows how much he heard, I was so embarrassed. Vanessa came rushing over and asked what was happening. "Matt just got a little too drunk that's all," said Damon. He waved everyone off, told them to keep enjoying the party because there was nothing to see. "Damon I am so sorry about the mess, I will clean it up as soon as I get Matt out of here," I said. He touched my shoulder and said not to worry. "I'll take him home, stay and enjoy the party or clean up," said Vanessa. Harry and Vanessa both helped Matt get up and walked him to the car. I went back to find Damon already cleaning up the mess. "No, you should of waited for me to help." He laughed and looked at me in the eyes. "Hayley, it's ok. Now c'mon enjoy the party a little more before you leave. "Damon? did you hear all  of it?" I asked. "I...uh I did, but Hayley...I am not trying to get into your pants." I felt the awkwardness floating around. "Can we just play beer pong so I can stop feeling shitty about your floor?" He nodded and we went to play.

   It was already 4am and not a lot of people were left. "Holy fuck it's late as hell!" I yelled. Damon simply laughed and sat down. "wow, last time I checked it was midnight." people were passing us and saying goodbye, suddenly it was just Damon and I. "I am SO drunk right now and I forgot I was supposed to drive myself home." Damon looked over at me, his face looked like he was dying to say something. "Hayley...if you want you can crash here in one of my guest rooms." I took off my shoes, got up and before I knew it I was throwing up on the ground. "Oh god, I'm sorry!" I got down on my knees and threw up some more. Damon instantly got on his knees and held my hair away from my face and rubbed my back. "It's fine, just let it out don't worry about the mess," he said. By the time I was done I could of sworn I had thrown up more than four times. "C'mon let's get you cleaned up and some pj's." He took a hold of me and helped me get up the stairs making sure I wouldn't fall back. We got to the bathroom and he sat me down. He handed me a clean toothbrush and told me to clean up while he gets me some pj's. when he was back, I was done brushing my teeth and realizing how embarrassing this is. "Here you go, put these on in here and I'll go get the guest room ready for you." He handed me a pair of Batman pj's and stormed out of the bathroom. I put them on feeling cozy as hell, but the bottoms fit me real loose cause I'm small as hell. I took them off and decided to just sleep in the shirt, it was long enough so I thought it was good enough. I stood in front of the mirror looked at my face, I was smiling...not because they fit me big but at the thought that I was with Damon. I felt a knot in my stomach. am I nervous because I'm alone with him? Am I feeling something for him? or do I have to throw up again? "Hey, everything ok?" I turned around and saw him staring with wide eyes. "Sorry...uh...did the pants not fit?" I turned around and grabbed them then handed them over. "No...but the shirt fits ok." He grabbed the pants and threw them on his bed. "Can I have some coffee?" I asked. He nodded, told me to sit on his bed and wait for him to be back with the coffee. I sat there looking around, he didn't have much pictures of his family but he did have posters. posters like Marvel, Call of duty and Mortal kombat. "Alright here's your coffee lady." He handed me the coffee and sat next to me. Since I saw that he likes Mortal kombat I decided to chat about the video games he likes. But when it got silent we found ourselves staring into each others eyes. Suddenly we were getting closer and closer, eyes never leaving each others, our lips were inches away and then...our lips met. We were kissing, his hands on my face, hell we were making out now. I suddenly couldn't stop, I hadn't realized that I was on top of him. "Hayley...we can't your with Matt and we're both drunk." I got off of him and sat down. "You're right. I'm sorry, I have no idea what I was thinking," I said shaking my head. I was about to cry, I can't cheat on Matt and no way Damon does like me like that. I got up ready to storm out of the room until Damon grabbed my hand. "Hayley... I like you I really do, but I wouldn't make a girl cheat on their boyfriend. I don't want to cause any trouble." I suddenly started crying, I sat on his bed and covered my face. "Please don't cry," he said. "I...I'm just so confused, I like you but I love Matt." I started crying even more at the thought that I almost did something with Damon behind Matt's back. "You love Matt, so stay with him. you will probably get over these dumb feelings for me real soon." I looked up at him and smiled. "I'm sorry this happened." He hugged me and told me everything was going to be ok. I got up and walked over to my room. I lied there for an hour thinking, I do love Matt.

   I woke up to the smell of bacon and toast. Was Damon cooking? I headed downstairs and saw Damon setting up the table. "Oh hey you're up. Breakfast is ready, I know how much you love bacon so I went ahead and made some for you." he smiled and pulled out a chair for me. "Thanks, all of this looks yummy." He  smiled and we began to dig in. When we were done I offered to help him clean up the house before I left. "Damon?" He grabbed a trash bag and handed me one. "yea," he said. "About last night..." He shook  his head and said, "Hayley...don't worry it never happened."

Just my luckजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें