Chapter 9

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   Today is thanksgiving day, which meant having to dress up and be with your loved ones. I wasn't at all excited about today. I just want to stay in bed and be invisible, I just want to be alone. "Good morning gorgeous," said Matt. "Hi," I replied. He rolled over to kiss me, got on top of me and began to undress me. "God I love making love to you. You're so good at pleasing me in bed. Baby girl ain't no one going to make love to you like I do." I closed my eyes,I knew better than to put up a fight with him. He went inside me so hard that I yelled and bit my lower lip, trying really hard not to cry, not to fight him off. When it was over I ran into the shower quickly so he wouldn't get the chance to come inside with me. I got dressed and headed to the kitchen. "Hayley make me some sunny side eggs and some toast, but remember my toast cant be burned or it wont please me." I simply nodded and began making his breakfast. "Matt, your breakfast is done." He sat down and stared at his food, then suddenly he flipped the dish on the ground and got up. "Fucking shit, did I not tell you I hate burnt toast!" I wanted to run but I froze in place and waited for him to hit me. He raised his hand and slapped me, he punched me in the arm, then grabbed me and threw me onto the floor. "Get up and clean this mess. I will be out all day today, I have a meeting to attend with my boss and his daughter." He left me there on the floor, I curled up in a ball and began to cry.

   "Happy thanksgiving guys!" yelled Vanessa. She ran and hugged me, then hugged Matt. She forgave us both for what happened at the wedding. "why aren't you wearing a dress, or at least showing a bit of skin on those legs or arms?" asked Vanessa. "Oh...I uh...decided to just be comfy and warm today, I think I might be getting a cold." We sat down in the living room sipping on wine, more like everyone was drinking except for me. "Hayley, would you come help me right quick in the kitchen?" asked my sister. We got up and left the boys alone. She turned to me and said, "I'm sorry Damon can't be with us today, I knew that if I had invited him things would of gone ugly again." I really hated the fact that he wasn't here, I miss him so much. I think of how things would be different if I had the courage to tell my sister how Matt really is with me, and how I  actually have feelings for Damon. It suddenly hit me, why don't I just tell her? I'm alone with her right now and I know Harry and her would do anything to protect me. "Vanessa? I have something to tell you that is very important." She turned to me and put down the turkey. "I...Matt is abu...." I stopped when I heard the boys come into the kitchen. "Hey, I just wanted to see if you girls are alright in here?" asked Harry. I nodded and set down the mashed potatoes on the table. "Let's get ready to eat," said Vanessa. After dinner, we all grabbed more wine and sat in the living room chatting about how my sisters honeymoon went. "I'm glad you had fun, I am so happy for you. You have the best husband ever," I said. "I don't mean to ruin the moment here but I have something to ask Hayley," said Matt. He got a small box out of his jacket and dropped down to one knee. "Marry me Hayley jones? I know we haven't even been dating for a year but I love you a whole lot."  Holy fuck. No, No! Why, why me? This is a nightmare. I stood there all frozen, unable to speak. I started panicking, then suddenly I fainted.

   "Hayley, are you alright?" asked Harry. I sat up from the floor and looked around. "Wha...what happened?" I got up and sat on the couch next to my sister.  "You fainted when Matt asked you to marry him," said Vanessa. I looked around again and noticed that Matt wasn't in the room. I grabbed my sisters hand and looked at her in the eye. "Vanessa I can't marry him!" Matt suddenly appeared in the room. Crap! I gave Vanessa a look hoping she knew that I didn't want Matt to know that I had said that. "Matt why don't you let Hayley go get some rest," said Vanessa. Great, she knew what the look meant! "Oh sure, but not here she has to come back home with me." He walked over to me and grabbed my hand. My sister stepped in between and grabbed me. "Oh c'mon I would love to have my sister sleepover." He stood there and looked at me straight in the eyes. If I don't stop my sister, he might even try to hurt her. "It's ok Vanessa, maybe some other time." I grabbed my purse and took Matt's hand. "I will text you tomorrow, thank you for dinner. oh and goodbye Harry," I said. When we got home Matt asked me to meet him in the living room to talk. Before that I headed to bathroom to splash water on my face. I felt sick, I felt like I had  to throw up. In that moment I looked down in the sink and immediately threw up. I was feeling so nauseous, I got out of my clothes and changed into my pj's. I went to the living room and found Matt waiting for me. "Hayley I still haven't received an answer from you." He tossed the ring at me and stared. "I...I'll marry you," I said. He smiled, got up and hugged me. "That's the right answer. Now you will be mine forever and you will never have another man in your life." He kissed me and went into the bedroom. what did I just do? I sat on the couch crying softly. I can't be married to  him. Marrying him means he will be with me everyday and only to hurt me each fucking day. He will make me have sex with him whenever, forced to obey him because I agreed to be his forever. I got out my phone and texted. Damon, I know I haven't talked to you since the wedding...but I would like to meet up with you tomorrow morning at the park @9.

Just my luckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora