My baby

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Also isn't that pic so cute 😢😢 I can't

Bringing Taehee home was one of the lightest and softest moments I had with my kids.

Hearing Junseo yelling "give me my baby!" Had me and Jungkook laughing hard. Juseo ran into the living room with his arms wide open with the sope couple and Anna trailing behind smiling.

I sat down on the couch, my back to Jungkook who sat behind me as I had Taehee in my arms. I smiled at her as she eyed the entire space around her.

Junseo plopped next to me "Dad can I play with her?" He asked excited.

Jungkook laughed "she's quite small now bunny, she can't play yet." Junseo pouted in thought then nodded his head in understanding.

"Can I hold her?" He asked then turned to pat on the small space beside him so Anna could sit down too.

I smiled "ne, but be careful with her. She's not a toy Junseo, Anna, she can get hurt easily." Jungkook showed Junseo how to hold his hands and then I carefully placed Taehee all bundled up into Junseos little arms.

Junseo smiled at Taehee as she looked up and reached up at his face. Junseo smiled wider "Hi baby tiger, it's me! Big bunny brother Junseo!" We all laughed lightly.

Anna leaned over to look over Taehees face "she's so tiny!" She said smiling. Taehee reached up and her hands went through Anna's short wavy hair. "I'm Anna!" She said smiling at Taehee.

I looked over at Yoongi and Hoseok. They had their arms wrapped around each other and smiling fondly at their daughter.

I smiled as my hyungs shared a small kiss and shared little conversations as they watched our children together.

Jungkook pulled my face towards his and pecked me on the lips. I smiled at him and kissed his jawline and his neck making him chuckle.

"Dad?" Junseo asked making me turn to look.


"She fell asleep." Junseo said. Anna and Junseo both pouted looking at me.  He looked back down at Taehee "baby tiger wak-"

"Ani! Junseo don't wake her up. She's little she needs more sleep, ne?" Jungkook said putting a finger on Junseos lips to stop him from talking.

I laughed at Junseos shook look and lightly took Taehee in my arms and brought her upstairs. I set her in her crib and went back out.

"Dad I want my baby tiger." Junseo pouted as soon as I walked through the living room entrance.

"Junseo." Jungkook said in a warning tone.

Junseo sighed and pouted his lips followed by a sassy cross of the arms "sorry dad."

I smiled "it's okay! Let's play a game while Taehee sleeps, ne?" Junseos smile quickly filled his face as he ran around the corner and grabbed Annas hand bringing her forward.

"Anna too!" He yelled and ran towards the tv to grab one of his controllers. Anna giggled letting Junseo pull her around.

"Oppa can we play mario?" Junseo was about to deny but he caught the pointed look from me and nodded.

"Okay.. but I'm First player!" He said sticking his tongue out.

"Oppa can I be Luigi?" She asked excited, her favorite color was green, so naturally Luigi was her favorite.

"Ne. Dad will be blue toad and uncle Hobi can be yellow toad!" Junseo cheered. Suddenly Jungkook came down the steps with Taehee in his arms making me quirk an eyebrow.

"I was walking by and she was awake so... I mean.. just want her to join the fun.." I smiled at Jungkook and kissed him.

"Uncle Taetae! We are playing!" Anna yelled. I walked over to the couch to see Hoseok leaning against Yoongis chest as Yoongi left playful kisses on his cheek, jawline, and neck making Hoseok giggle.

Junseo and Anna had there arms chained together while holding the controllers and laughing. I smiled. Jungkook went ahead and sat on the couch with Taehee beckoning me over. I smiled widely and sat on the floor in between his legs and grabbing the other controller.

"Letsa go!" Anna and Junseo said in sync laughing as we started the game.

"Taetae! Why did you throw me off the edge?!" Hoseok said pouting as he lost his last life for the level "it's not a competition!"

I laughed and stuck my tongue out side eyeing him. Yoongi chuckled and kissed Hoseoks pout off his face and wrapped his arms tighter around him.

When I looked back I see myself hurled in the lava by Junseo "yah! Junseo!" I pouted as he and Anna laughed. I rested my head onto the seat of the couch and looked up at Jungkook.

He smiled down at me and carefully, making sure not to squish Taehee, bent down to give me a sweet kiss. I melted into it as it went on long and slow making me smile into it.

I felt little arms wrap around my waist and instantly knew it was Junseo. We broke the kiss as I pulled Junseo in my lap.

"Oppa!" Anna yelled before jumping into Junseos arms. Junseo hugged her before starting to wrestle around playfully on the floor.

"Taetae come here and give your best hyung a hug." Hoseok whined making grabby hands. I laughed and went to hug my hyung.

He tackled me to the floor and we started to wrestle too like Anna and Junseo. We both slammed into the wall making us laugh.

We looked up to Anna and Junseo laughing at us and Yoongi and Jungkook glaring.

"You guys act like kids." Yoongi glared rolling his eyes.

"And you're to handsy with each other." Jungkook added glaring. Yoongi nodded in agreement.

Me and Hoseok feeling the uncomfortable glares of our jealous lovers slowly pulled away from each other.

I crawled over to Jungkook and pouted at him. He sighed and looked away. "Kookie..." I said reaching over and kissing him. He instantly kissed back making me smile. He can't resist me.

"Junseo why do our daddies always kiss?" I heard Anna mumble to Junseo.

"Apps says it's because they love each other." Junseo said smiling at Anna.

"I love you oppa." Anna giggled and before anyone can stop it Junseo placed an innocent peck on Anna's lips.

"Yah!" Yoongi yelled. Me and Jungkook stared wide eyed. Our baby bunny lost his first kiss...

"Yoon it's fine." Hoseok said pulling Yoongi by the hand.

"My baby girl..." Yoongi trailed off. Then he turned to glare at me and Jungkook "you're so lucky we are practically family."

"Actually Yoongi, it would be bad if we were family. That would be like incest, almost." Jungkook retaliated.

Yoongi glared but before he could say anything Hoseok pulled him into a kiss.

Yoongi seemed to chill and Junseo and Anna seemed to pretty much forget about the whole thing, going back to playing.

Taehee being just a baby just rested in Jungkooks arms and watched. I picked Taehee up into my arms and laid myself in Jungkooks lap. I looked over at the rest of the group.

This is the type of family I need.

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