It's All Ours

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Today is the freaking party! Everyone is coming over and im so excited! Jungkook went on his job today, wasn't happy as today was paperwork day and he rather lay in bed with me.

Apparently he can't always go on runs and his mafia job isn't always fun, but if it puts a huge frickin roof over our head and tasty food on our large table, then so be it.

I poured chips into one of the bowls and turned my head to look at the clock. Jungkook should be on his way home so I texted him before he got here.


Kookie, can you stop at the store and get some cupcakes for the party tonight? Love you <3

He didn't answer but I can see he read it so I shrugged my shoulders and waited. Junseo was 10 years old now and Taehee was 5. They were sitting in the living room playing games. Junseo showing her how to use the controller.

"See Taehee this thing makes you move, ne? And this button right here makes you attack the bad guys, ne?" Junseo said moving her little fingers on the controller that was kinda big for her little hands.

I told Junseo that she couldn't play the big kid games yet so he opted to teach her Mario instead.

Taehee nodded her head in understanding placing her little fingers on the buttons "okay oppa." She said quietly smiling.

There was crying in the kitchen, oh I almost forgot! Sana sat there in the highchair with a spoon in her hand and food on her face. She looked up at me and blinked.

"Did you get food in your eyes baby?" I asked looking. No nothing wrong, guess she just missed my presence. Sana was 3 our third kid. There will definetley be more though.

"Dad. Appa?" She asked quietly. I smiled and wiped the food off her tanned cheeks and out of her soft black hair.

"He's coming." The door opened from the front and I picked Sana up out of the chair and set her down. She ran out of the room to watch Taehee and Junseo play games on the big screen.

I walked to the front door, Jungkook threw his coat in the closet and turned to glare at me. "What?" I asked blinking my eyes. Why was he so mad? Was the paperwork that bad today?

He dragged me into the kitchen and set the grocery bag on the table "so who's the other three?!"

I blinked "What are you talking about?"

He glared and pulled out his phone showing me the text I sent him. I quirked an eyebrow in confusion. So?

He gritted his teeth and read it out loud "Kookie can you stop at the store and get some cupcakes for the party tonight. Love you less than three. Who the fuck are the other three?!"

I blinked several times then busted out laughing "What the fuck is so funny?!" He was fuming.

"Kookie, it's not less than three" I giggled and took his phone turning it on the side "it's a heart, see?"

This time it was him who blinked and was baffled. His cheeks turned pink and he scratched the back of his head "oh."

I giggled and pecked him on the lips. He's so silly, there's nobody else I love in that special way. I smiled and Junseo and Taehee came running in laughing and Sana peaked her head in from behind them.

"Dad! Hide me from oppa, you're time out!" Taehee yelled quickly running to me and grabbing my leg. I laughed. Before I could say anything the door rang.

My Boy (Taekook)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن