Barbecue part 1

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She gave him a mock growl before turning him over and running her nose through his soft belly fur. When a soft fit of laughter reached my ears I took a defensive position over Tony and gave a low growl. Mrs. Rivers smiled which reached her eyes at the sight of us. "Oh i'm sorry dearies. I didn't mean to ruin your fun. Tony looks like you made a new friend i'm so happy for you little one." Tony gave a yip rolling over to sit beside me and lick my face when I relaxed. Mrs. Rivers looked at me with a small smile, "Emily dear, don't be too hard on the alpha. He isn't used to having a pup let alone one who needs to know he is there. Alpha is trying to learn how to talk to you from Molly so that should keep him busy for a while. But, for now why don't you two continue playing until the barbecue. You only have a few minutes before you have to get ready."

Tony yipped and attack my tail as I kept it out of his reach. I had a quizzical look on my face when I looked between Mrs. Rivers and Tony. She must have understood what I was asking because she said, "I guess Tony told you that he doesn't have any parents and that some of the younger pack members have treated him badly. Well let me tell you now that your father doesn't know who it is that's hurting him. Mostly because they hurt him when no one's around and he won't tell us who they are."

I looked at pup who was to busy trying to get my tail that he wasn't even paying attention to our conversation. With a play slap of my tail in his face I gave Mrs. Rivers another quizzical look. "His parents let him on our door step with a note. Alpha John and Luna Molly were really upset when they read the note. It said that since Tony was the runt of their litter they didn't want him and that he would probably not live to see past a couple of months. No one in the pack was willing to raise him so I took him in until I can find him a family. I'm not as young as I used to be so I need to find him a family soon."

"Emily! Emily where are you?!" Molly yelled frantically. Mrs. Rivers smiled at me and just as I nodded a sharp pain shot up from tail to the base of my neck. I yelped as I turned to see a smiling Tony. After checking my tail I pinned Tony and started licking his face earning me a series of little growls which I found adorable. Molly came flying in the kitchen, "Emily wha..." Once she saw me and Tony she didn't finish her sentence due to the awe's that rolled out of her mouth. 

Dad came running with Junior hot on his heels to see what all the fuss was about. I didn't really feel comfortable with people looking at me like I was a television show but my wolf pushed those feelings away and got lost in the play. Tony kept trying to nip my nose but nuzzled his belly every time he tried. Molly came to crouch in front of us earning her a growl from me. It really confused me why my wolf was so protective of Tony but decided not to question her just yet. Molly raised her hands in surrender with a knowing smile that she shared with the others in room except Junior who tried to hide it. "Easy Em i'm just trying to get you to get ready for the gathering. Come on we can let Mrs. Rivers get Tony ready so he can introduce you to some of the pack."

I gave her one last look before picking up Tony by his scruff and handing him to Mrs. Rivers. He gave a sad whimper when she took him so I gave him a quick lick before following Molly to my room. "Emily i'm really happy that you have found a friend in Tony. The way your wolves connected is unlike anything I have witnessed before. So here's what I was thinking. You can shift and change into these then you can have Tony escort you to the barbecue."

My tail started wagging while my wolf was praising Molly for her wits. 'She knows that it is not a good idea to thrust unwanted pressure on us. So she walks around the issue and let us come to the conclusion she wants. A very wise alpha female.'  Molly was looking at me as she waited patiently holding out the outfit that i'm supposed to wear to the get together. She had a pair of light blue blue-jeans and a black shirt that said 'You can look but you can't touch' with a pair of black sneakers. Nodding my head I took the clothes and went into the bathroom to shift and dress. 

After about ten minutes I had my hair brushed out, getting all of the mats out was not easy or fun, as well as get myself cleaned up. Once I had a look at myself in the mirror and was pleased with how I looked I stepped out of the bathroom to find Tony waiting for me. I smiled when I took in his appearance he was wearing a red button down shirt that was tucked into his black blue jeans with his hair in all it's spiked glory. 

"Emily i'm supposed to take you to meet people!" He exclaimed happily with a pie eating grin on his face. "Are you now? And when will those people be here?" I couldn't help but feel a little nervous about meeting new people but when Mrs. Rivers words about some of the younger pack members being mean to little Tony my nerves settled and an emotion I didn't understand took it's place. "They are here now. Some came while we were playing and the rest came when you were getting dressed." He still had a smile but you could tell that he was a little scared of facing his tormentors.

"Tony?" I looked into his eyes and saw that his little wolf was also afraid. This set my wolf on edge and brought her close to the surface. "I promise that if anyone even raises their hand to you they will have to deal with me. Now how about we go make our entrance?" My wolf was happy when the little pup's fear retreated and was replaced by his excitement. He nodded his head and took my hand pulling me out of the room and towards a door leading to the backyard where people were eating and talking amongst themselves. 

With our heads held high Tony and I didn't even need to say anything to catch the attention of everyone here. As soon as they caught our scent every head snapped to watch us. Molly and dad walked up a path that lead to us and with a reassuring smile from Molly and an apologetic smile form dad he turned around and introduced us. "Everyone this is my daughter  Emily and her escort for this gathering is none other than our own little Tony. Now let us all have fun and enjoy yourselves while getting to know each other." With that Tony lead me around to meet all of those who had been kind to him in one form or another.

After meeting and mingling about twenty or so people Tony finally decided to let me rest while he gets me some food. I had tried to argue with him but he told me it would damage his honor if I didn't let him do his job. I decided that a rest from my aching feet would do me some good so I leaned back in a lawn chair and closed my eyes for a little bit. A little time later my wolf was pacing wondering where Tony was. 'Get up! His wolf calls. Go. GO!' 

With that I was on my feet letting my wolf lead me around people giving me questioning looks. My wolf knew that people were following us but didn't care. The sight we came upon put her in charge of my body. There were a group of teenagers in a circle surrounding Tony and another person. I was trying to figure out who the other person was until this particular person raised a hand and slapped Tony hard enough for it to be heard. The people in the circle were all laughing. My wolf had, had enough of the sight so she shifted us into our white wolf form earning us a chorus of gasps behind us. 

At that moment I didn't care about anything other than protecting Tony and killing whoever laid a hand on him. Using our powerful legs we flew over the dumbfounded people. I ran over to where Tony was laying down crying checking for injuries. When he looked up he had tears in his eyes and blood on his cheek. I nuzzled his neck and licked his cheek, as my rage grew with each tear that escaped his eyes. 

A laugh brought our attention to the only other person in the circle, to the one who warrants my wrath. "Well well well. Looks like we have a pair made in heaven. A slut and an abandoned pup. This should be fun." Kayla smirked then shifted into her dark brown wolf. Kayla started circling me while I took a defensive stance over Tony. "Emily?" He whimpered and that was all I needed to have my wolf howling for Kayla's death.


So what do you guys think? XD 

please comment on your thoughts. I would love to get your opinons on it ^^

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