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I am fat and plump. I'm aware of that but that wouldn't stop me from confessing right? I can't hold back my feelings from him any longer. Ever since the accident he had captured my heart. If you're wondering who i am referring to, I'm talking about Melvin Gregg; the school hottie. He is all in a package.

Not only was he good looking, he was so good in playing basket ball  and Oh Gush! His moves were a killer. When ever he did that thing with his hands girls screamed. Some blushed; while others, well being crazily in love ran towards him hugging him so tight. Why did my heart hurt? Well 'cause I'm crushing on him. Crazy right?!

But I never meant to fall for him. It happened so suddenly. I mean I knew my place. No one had to tell me I wasn't good looking. Both facially and body structure. But what could I do about that? I was created so.

Okay back to Melvin. As I said earlier I didn't mean to fall for him. Actually I really didn't pay much attention to him in school even though we had been classmates since grade 7. But everything changed when he had saved me from a fast moving truck. I kept asking myself why I hadn't seen that truck. Well who knows fate had a different agenda.

Right after school that very day, I had decided to walk home since of course mum wouldn't be at home and her husband would just pick on me. To avoid that headache from my suppose step father I decided to walk home admiring the view of our school surrounding. Did I forget to mention I was a foodie? Well I am. Mum had given me so little to buy snacks and I knew that snacks could serve as my meal for the whole day so I had decided to save the money so as to buy a roadside barbecue instead of the expensive food at the school cafeteria.

I had stopped at a street vendor to buy a barbecue when someone snatched my bag. Of course I couldn't just let my bag go. I mean the new text books mum had managed to buy after so much pleas were all inside there, and to top it all my receipt of fees payment were there too. And as mum always says; 'No Receipt that means payment never happened.' I couldn't let that thief go away with what seemed as my life. So with no other option I chased after him.

"Hey you, thief!" I cursed at him running as fast as I could. But don't forget I was fat and plump. I couldn't even manage to carry myself let alone run so fast. As I ran I realized that the little energy I had conserved were all been turned into sweat. And to top it all I hadn't eaten since morning.

I was so fixed in getting my bag back that I didn't realize I was actually on the road. When the thief crossed the road, the traffic light was at Red and so I thought I could beat the time. But little did I know the light had turned to Yellow and just as I reached the road it turned to Green. Cars were about moving, but actually the truck which came speeding had cut from another junction so right there I saw both life and death. I felt trapped to the ground.

Is this how I'm going to die? I asked myself as I saw the truck approaching. Maybe because all the energy I had were all gone was the reason I couldn't move a muscle. So right there I had accepted the fate and left it all up to my maker. And as I closed my eyes, of course I couldn't see my end with my eyes opened, just immediately I felt a hand reached out for mine and pulled me out from the road. My face was right on his chest and even though I was supposed to be the one with the fast beating heart, why was his pumping so fast as though he was scared? Well that's none of my business. Though I was still trying to regain myself I loved the position I was; right there feeling his beating heart.

"Are you crazy?!" I spoke too soon. It was there I recognized my savior as Melvin. He was angry at me that he had pushed me from himself after the truck had passed away and sure on lookers giving us the stares. "Is that really how you planned to end your life?" I was still scared and shocked to say anything.

"No-oo." I stammered. I actually didn't know where to begin. Just then it hit me right there. "My bag." I cried. "That thief got my bag." I said, softly trembling.

"What thief?" Melvin asked. I began shaking. How will I manage to go home now? My fare was in there, all my stuffs and of course the receipt.

"Heeeee-" I  stammered again.

"Wow what an excuse for being an ingrate." Melvin said as he walked away. Did he think I was making that up? Well I wasn't! I shouted but then I realized I was actually talking in my mind and not aloud. I was too troubled to realize that I had forgotten to say thank you.

Did that matter? I thought. I'm in a bigger mess with mum when I get home.

Well to cut the long story short, the next day I decided to go see Melvin and properly apologize and say thank you. But it was difficult to find him in the school. I was a loner so I felt awkward asking any one questions. Maybe because their stares intimidated me. And so I decided to look for him. After a long search I gave up.

He probably didn't come to school. I concluded and I decided walking back to my class. As I walked back, I heard some noises coming from the school auditorium. On a norm I was supposed to walk away but at that moment my heart began beating fast and all my senses dragged me into peeping through the door of the auditorium.

At first all I saw was darkness since the lights weren't turned on. So I decided to leave. But closing the door, my skirt got hooked, in the attempt to pull it out I had to open the door well enough and it was then the lights turned on. And I saw Melvin. My heart beat seized and slowly regained its rate when he began manipulating him body. Gush! He sure was a hottie. I was lost into him that I didn't realize I had let the door be and with force it slammed on me.

I fell to the ground of course but by the time I rose, Melvin was long gone. I think I scared him off.

Well that's basically how my crush started. From that day till now, I just couldn't let my mind off him. But it seemed strange that he actually looks away whenever he sees me in class. It's as though he had forgotten so soon the moment we shared.

But right now, at the present I'm about preparing to make my confession. I mean other girls get the opportunity to hug him and I don't? I can't keep holding on to this one sided crush of mine. I mean it isn't fair if I don't let him know how I feel. What if he's crushing too? Shy hottie!


Hey guys  thanks for reading this far. This is my latest story and i'll so appreciate it if you take a little time and vote and also comment your thought. I'll like to know how you feel about it.

Love you plenty...


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