"Oh, her? She goes to my school. She's a complete nerd. She doesnt have any friends." SHe laughed & the rest of her crew laughed, When they saw i wasnt laughing they stopped.

"She has friends." I said & they looked around.

"No she doesn't, trust me, at school, everyone picks on her." The leader said again.

"Oh, maybe not in school, but after school, she sure as fuck does. She always comes over with the boys & me. C'mon." I said, pulling her away. She looked surprised. I looked back to see them all with their mouths open.

"Why'd you do that? It was fine, seriously." she said.

'No, you were crying. Everyone who makes you cry should go to hell." I said, & i opened the door, & pushed her in. All the fans were going crazy. Liam looked back, & gave me a death glare. He mouthed, 'come here.'

"Hold on, Liam's about to bitch at me. Wait here." I said, & she nodded furiously.

I ran over to Liam.

"What?" I asked

"What? What! Why'd you get her?" He asked

"She was being bullied & she's real nice. I told them off." I said, & pointed to a group of girls who suddenly turned around from watching us.

"SO?" He asked

"She's hanging out with us." I commanded & he waited a minute then nodded.

"If i don't like her or she causes trouble, she's out." He said sternly & i nodded & skipped back to the door.

"What'd he say? Do i need to leave? Okay, i'll leave, sorry-" She was trying to walk out, but i grabbed onto her & pulled her back.

"He said you can stay, but if he doesn't like you, you're out." I said

"Okay.." She sputtered.

"I wont let him kick you out." I said. She just nodded.

"Say hi to your friends over there." I said, pointing to the girls, they were still gawking.

She waved & smiled, than stuck her middle finger up.

"YEAHHH!" I said cheering

"What?" Niall said in his accent. She looked over nervously

"Whats your name, by the way?" I asked

"Aspen." She smiled

"I was about to name Clove that! You're my new best friend & daughter." I said, hugging her, she hugged back.

"Hello?" Niall said

"Oh hi, Niall, meet Aspen." I said, & he motioned for us to come over.. I walked over & she followed.

I go over to see him shirtless, with Dec & Clove on him, still sleeping.

"Why are you shirtless?" I asked

"Oh, Dec spit up all over me, & i took off my shirt, but it doesn't help." He said, Dec was drooling. I got a Kleenex & wiped his chest, than Dec's face. This woke him up & he started crying, waking Clove up, making her cry. Ugh

"Awe, shush buddy." I said, picking him up & rocking him. He smelled terrible.

"Niall, i think they need to be changed." I said, giggling. He had Clove, & He nodded. I heard Aspen laugh.

"Here," He said, handing Clove to me.

"Um no! You're doing it!" I said, walking away.

He groaned then got up.

Niall Horan & Me. ♥ Niall Horan fanfiction. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now