Chapter 12

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Sorry i havent updated in a while, i was too busy, getting grounded & having writer's block. But here you go! I love the ending! Tell me what you think should happen! Im not spoiling it for you! (:


"Ohh, Niaaallll!" I said , pushing on him so he would wake up.

"Grmahd.." He said, ugggh. He's so lazy.

"Niaallllll!" I said, getting a little louder.

"Pfffff." He said, Blowing air into the pillow.

"NIALL!" I screamed, jumping on the bed.

"AH, AH! DONT TOUCH THE FOOD TAKE KAYLIE! Oh, wait. Hi.." He said, jumping up.

"Oh, so you would let them eat me, but not the food?" I said, crossing my arms & raising my eyebrow, giveing a smile.

"Of course not, Babe!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Well, speaking of food, go eat." I said, grabbing his hair & pulling him up. He didnt have a shirt on.

"Ow, ow, ow. OKAY!" He said, rubbing his head, going to the kitchen.

Great, one down, four to go.

I go into Zayn's room next. This was gunna be hard. He is a VERY heavy sleeper.

"Zayn, Wake up." I said, pushing him.


"Zayn, i made food." I said.

Scilence. He's not like Niall.

"The house is on fire." I said.

He just rolled over. Aw, he's adorable!

"Someone broke your mirrors & cut your hair, Zayn!" I said.

"OH MY GOD! My hair, my beautiful Hair!" He said, jumping up, feeling his head. His eyes wide open.

"Vain Zayn." I laughed.

He just gave me a cold expression. "Kaylie, dear, thats not something to joke about, my hair is my baby. I will kill you if you touch my mirrors too." He said, getting up, fixing his hair. He was only in a shirt. Haha.

"Yes sir. Go eat. I cooked you breakfast." I said.

Next was Louis. Lord.

"Louis." I said, walking in.

"That's supermaaaaaaan!" He said, popping up, ripping his shirt open, showing his superman shirt.

"Oh, god. Nice. You just saved me from having to kill Harry." i said.

"Not Hazza!" He said, giving me the puppy dog look.

"Fine. Go eat, superman!" I said.

"That, i will!" He said. Running into the hall with the superman pose when he's flying. He had a cape on. Lord, this boy needs help!

Liam's turn.

"Liam." I said. He usually wakes up.

"Hmmm..." He said, more like mumbled.

"Wake up." I said shaking him.

"No. Sleep time." He said, coving his head with a blanket.

"Yes. Wakey uppy time." Did i really just say that?

"Did you really just say that?" He gives me a look thats like, 'really?'

"Im sorry. But now that you're awake you can go eat!" I said. Clapping my hands together like a seal.

Niall Horan & Me. ♥ Niall Horan fanfiction. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now