bonus.) snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes

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I pop up behind him in frame when he begins complaining that I've dragged him from the house to go buy me hot cocoa and socks. "He's being mean to me, guys." I whine sarcastically, placing my hands on his shoulders so I can jump on to his back. He groans, leaning forward so I don't fall off.

"We are the same size, Ruby. You can't climb me!" My boyfriend protests, trying to hold me and his camera at the same time. I take the camera from him so he can get a better grip on the back of my legs, only for us both to topple over into the snow. I try my best to keep the camera off the ground as we both laugh extremely loudly. The snow on the ground where it touches the side of my face as I roll off of Joe. He takes the camera back and points it at me. "You did this to us." He laughs while blaming me, pointing his finger at me.

"Hey, it was worth it." I respond, swatting his finger away. He leans slightly closer to me and caresses my cheek as it begins snowing again. I can feel the snowflakes sticking to my eyelashes before Joe leans forward to kiss me, which immediately warms me up. "Um, we're going... going to have to go soon. Before, you know, the roads -" I'm able to mumble out between kisses. He's shoved the camera into his hoodie pocket, only to kiss me in the snow.

"I guess we should, huh?" He sighs, standing up and pulled the camera out of his pocket before reaching a hand down to me. I accept it, the ring on his pinkie freezing my own, and we finally begin making our way to his dad's car.


We definitely bought more than hot chocolate and fluffy socks. Joe followed me all around the store with his camera as I made stupid jokes about all the weird stuff he's come home with over the past year to make videos with; like all the clothespins he bought and the ice cream that he supposedly hid Caspar's keys in. That was the first time I met Grant and Byron because they came home with Caspar that night along with Josh, and all of us - except for Joe - ate so much ice cream we almost vomited.

Joe and I begin carrying in the bags stuffed full of hot chocolate, multiple pairs of socks, coffee, and syrup because Joe's dad made me pancakes after hearing they are my favorite. He did joke about Shrove Tuesday, which is the same thing Joe does when I plead with him to make them.

Zoe and Alfie's car sits next to ours, and Zoe opens the door before we even get close. "Oh, I've missed you so much, Ruby! It's been too long!" The blonde cries, squeezing me tightly. I do my best to hug her back with grocery bags until Alfie takes them from me to put in the kitchen. I hug Alfie as soon as I can and try to close the door as quickly.

"We've already started decorating some." Zoe says, gripping my hand to take me to their living room where the tree is. I notice the wreath and other garlands littering the floor as I try not to step on any needle-like leafs that are scattered around the floor.

I sit next to Zoe on the couch as she rambles on and on about what kind of desserts and foods she wants to make for Christmas. She tells me about how stressful it was to buy gifts this year because according to Joe, I'm impossible to buy for.

A few moments later when Joe exits the kitchen holding two mugs, Zoe throws a tuft of mistletoe at him. He takes a small moment to panic before recovering and leaning down to pick up the mistletoe with the two fingers he can spare. He hands one of the mugs to me before making me move towards Zoe so he can sit on the other side of me. Joe shakes the leaves at me and I scoff. "If you're so desperate for love you have to resort to mistletoe, what kind of girlfriend does that make me?" I laugh before kissing his cheek. I lean against his shoulder, and I feel him place his arm on the back of the couch.

A few hours later we're all surrounded by Christmas tree decorations as we shout Christmas songs loudly across the room at each. Alfie keeps laughing, and Joe has dropped at least three ornaments. Zoe and I take turns trying to boost each other up to reach the top of the tree since neither boy is actually helping with the decorating.

"You haven't been in one of my videos, have you, Ruby?" Zoe asks as we sit across of each other on the floor trying to untangle a string of beads that's been twisted into a massive knot.

"Um, I don't think so. Well, I've been in a few of your blooper reels on your second channel whenever you film with Joe." I answer, jerking on one end only for the knot to become tighter. "This is impossible!" I groan. "Joe, can you -" but when I turn to throw the wad at him, he's nowhere to be seen. I notice that Alfie is also gone.

"Where are the boys?" Zoe asks, beginning to stand up to search for them. She turns down the radio as she passes towards the kitchen. I follow close behind her, only pausing to pull my socks on.

We run into her dad in the kitchen and he points out the door. Zoe rolls her eyes and opens the door only to immediately get hit in the face by a snowball. The dyed-blonde slams the door shut and begins furiously wiping the snow off her face.

"Did they seriously go outside just because it started snowing again?" I ask, looking out the window to see all the snow falling gracefully from the sky. They've built a giant wall out of snow and every once in awhile I see the top of someone's head.

"That's Joe and Alfie for you." Zoe sighs, picking cookies off of the baking sheet that her dad takes from the oven. She hands me one of them while he tries to steal them back, jokingly.

"Well, I mean... we have to go fight them... don't we?" I ask, through a mouthful of cookie. I quickly throw on a coat and boots before rushing outside with Zoe and trying to avoid the boys' snowballs that are pelting towards us. We quickly build a wall similar to theirs and sit behind it waiting for them to make the next move.

We sit for what feels like forever before I decide to peek up over the top of our freezing wall. I can't see either boy, but when I turn to talk to Zoe, I'm tackled to the ground through the snow. I cover my freezing face, trying to get the fallen snow off my face. I can feel my nose becoming colder and turning red as I finally open my eyes to see Joe, his hair floppy and collecting snowflakes. He laughs, continuing to tower over me, and I can see his breath in the air. "I like winters in England." I giggle, placing my hands on either side of his face.

"I like winters with you." Joe answers, kissing my nose.

a/n: so this is kinda the end of my ideas for bonus chapters of stars. if any of you would like to see these continue, please please please give me other ideas that i could use to keep writing them. xx

stars || Joe SuggМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя