
After the guards had taken the weak dragons to the shipping dock, including Stormy, accompanied by a very sneaky Sven, Hiccup set the rest of the dragons free. He watched blissfully as some flew out immediately, and others assisted the ones who could no longer fly, pushing them out of the hole in the chains or crawling out slowly with them, and still others slipping into the ocean, some of the dragons' natural habitats. 

After the last of them were gone, Hiccup raced down the pathway towards the dock, pulling down his mask and speeding towards the boats, dragging along his temporary dragon while doing so.

Just as the ropes were being untied, his voice rang out through the silence.

"Wait!" The guards looked up suddenly, as two came up from behind, weapons pointed at his back. "Hey, guys, I'm one of you! Come on, you can't even remember one of your own members? You guys drink too much." He chuckled easily, pulling off his mask and ruffling his hair in hopes that the darkness could shadow his face enough to get away with it. "I'm bringing a new dragon, Bludvic sent me last second." The guards looked at each other, mumbling softly before one of them turned back to him.

"The dragon looks pretty healthy to me.. And who's Bludvic?" It then hit him that these weren't Bludvic's guards, they wouldn't recognize him or know his story. He grinned, realizing a perfect opportunity for some fun.

"Oh, he's the dude that sells you guys dragons, I'm sure you wouldn't know him. But..." He put one hand on the back of his head, biting his lip as he looked up at the moon, lighting his whole face while doing so. Time to test his little theory. Seeing that none of the guards recognized him, he continued, "I'm not supposed to say this, but he is royalty, and I am his one and only heir." He stood up straighter, trying not to smirk at their mixed expressions.

"How do we know you're not lying, eh?" One of the guards jabbed at him from behind, a scowl set on his face.

"I am the dragon master, of all seas and across our lands." He whipped back to them, a determined look defying all the doubters. "Anyone who doubts me can come and test me, but I am sure none of you have power over dragons like I do." He heard a little giggle coming from underneath the boat, probably unheard by the guards, but undistinguishable by him from Sven.

"Alright." A guard stepped forward, off of the boat towards him. "Your majesty." He bowed mockingly, motioning at the same time for his fellow guards to bring a dragon out from the bottom of the boat. "I'll try an' tame it, and if I can't an' ye can, you can come. If not, yer stinkin Bludvic can shove the lies up 'is fat patootie." The guards behind him chuckled as he stepped forward, taking the very scared looking Skrill by the reigns and tugging it towards it him, staring the limping and very broken looking dragon in the eye. The dragon took no time to whimper and look down, obviously scared and unable to fight.  As it laid down in defeat, the guard pumped his fist into the air, yelling, "Alright! Now how about ye, oh great 'dragon master.'" Hiccup ignored their jeers and laughter as he walked to the exhausted and shaking dragon.

Crouching down next to it, Hiccup looked into the dragon's eye, searching as the guards quieted and waited for something to happen. It was filled with fear, dread, tiredness, but also, defeat. The dragon had given up a long time ago, and wasn't expecting anything new from Hiccup. He wanted to change that.

"Hey.." He stuck out his hand gently, and the dragon winced and pulled its head away, shutting its eyes as if expecting a blow to come. He sighed, and rested his hand gently on the dragon's snout. Its eyes shot open, darting down to where his hand lay, then shooting up his arm to look at the kind and forgiving face. The dragon blinked for a few moments, then closed its eyes and returned the gesture, pressing its head against Hiccup in response. He laughed slightly, then stood slowly, the dragon following him.

Dragon's Heart ~ HiccstridWhere stories live. Discover now