Chapter 20 (Redo)

Start from the beginning

He hated to admit it, but he wanted to be there with them, with his twin and Karly. Maybe he needed to let the grudge he had against his twin go. Maybe.

Karly, as usual, managed to get herself into trouble. Nothing new about that, she's a magnet for trouble. It was a little amusing to know she was arrested, he wasn't entirely sure why she was arrested either. But he was sure he would figure out when he bailed her out. This would be a perfect opportunity to get back at her for running off with his twin, make her think he's mad.

This was going to be good.


(Author note: I have no clue how the whole getting arrested works, I doubt they get to see the mugshot, but oh well)


"So could I like get my mugshot printed, cause thats an A+ shot of me." I drawl, as the officers gave me annoyed looks. I continue to look at the mug shot boredly as they were typing in information into their computer.

 I continue to look at the mug shot boredly as they were typing in information into their computer

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There was no response and it was silent for a long moment

"But for real, I want the picture." I spoke and I could see one of the officer's eyes twitch before she guided me to a holding cell and shove me in a little rougher than she should have. I gave a huff before leaning against the wall boredly, waiting on Sides to bail me out.

I was there for a good 3 hours, I was getting antsy. He wouldn't leave me here would he? The sudden feeling of dread I felt started to weigh me down.

What if he finally got sick of me and decided he wanted nothing to do with me.

I started to overthink the what ifs, getting so caught up in my head I didn't hear someone talking to me.

"Hey! Your boyfriend is here to get you." The female officer said snapping her fingers to get my attention.

Instantly a wave of relief went over me as i walked out of the cell and followed the officer down to the main lobby. I spotted Sideswipe immediately and he did not look happy at all. I gave him a guilty look and avoided eye contact. I felt like one of those dogs that chewed up the couch and knew they were in trouble. I felt like he may be disappointed in me and it kind of upset me, I never used to give a shit who i disappointed or made mad, but with Sides it was completely different.

Sideswipe gestured to the door wordlessly and i stuffed my hands into my hoodie and looked down as I made my way outside to his alt. When i got to his door, I pulled the handle only to find it locked, I looked over to Sides' holoform with a bit of nervousness.

"Uh, Sides?" I questioned, my anxiety evident in my tone much to my annoyance.

His gruff look that matched to when we first met softened a bit but then his features hardened back up, instantly I felt my heart drop. The door opened and I got inside and sat in the seat with my hands in my lap. From the corner of my eye I seen his holoform sit in the driver's seat before he turned on his engine and drove away from the police station.

"Sorry." I mumbled

He glanced over.

"For what?" He questioned with a tone that made me second guess him being mad at me.

"For getting arrested and troubling you." I mumbled and suddenly the car sped up and whipped around a corner and then jerked to a stop, i clutched onto the door with wide eyes while trying to keep from smacking into the dash.

"Thats not my problem." He stated after a moment of silence as his seats shifted around and everything became more roomy, I gave him a confused look before yelping as the holoform suddenly appeared next to me and then caged me to the seat. My heart was hammering in my chest as i stared up at him bewildered.

Sideswipe's gaze was dark, his eyes as beautiful as ever, he was beautiful as ever. He cupped my cheek, his thumb going over my lips, i ignored the urge to wet my lips, suddenly aware of how dry the were.

"You want to know what my problem is?" He questioned, his breath fanning over my neck as he leaned in closer to me, I felt a shiver threaten to go through me as tingles shot down my spine.

I nodded mutely.

His lips pressed against my neck as his hand dragged from my knee to up my thigh, his hand was warm and I tensed up as he took his sweet time. I low groan escaped me before I tensed as his hand glided over my crotch and then further up.

"You went off and did a very very unacceptable thing" He practically purred, suggesting he wasn't as mad as he led me to believe, he used a tone I've never heard from him. It was dark and alluring. It made my heart flutter and my body hot.

I couldn't speak even if I wanted to. His hand ran up under my shirt and along my side, his touch felt like fire and it took everything in me to keep from squirming. I shuttered at his touch, my mind becoming a bit hazy as I focused on his lips and the sound of his rich voice. I had to bite my lip to keep focus, and his eyes darkened at that.

"I know you've been going off to see Sunstreaker, which I didn't mind. What i do mind however, is that you touched his spark before mine." He growled before he nipped my neck in a way that made a groan escape me. His hand traced around my bra as I squirmed a bit, he didn't go any further, all he did was tease me with his touch, I was biting my lip to the point of drawing blood.

Was it just me or was it getting really hot in here?

"He asked me." I defend weakly as i looked away, he tsked and made me look at him. His hand slid down to grip my ass as he grabbed me up an moved me into his lap, both hands firmly gripping my rear as his lips brushed against my neck.

"Well now I'm going to ask you something." He stated darkly, my breathing was more like a pant at this point, I felt intoxicated by his presence and his touch.

I need holy water, sweet fragging Primus. This mech is trying to kill me.

His hands moved up to grab my hips as he pulled me flush against him, we were chest to chest and i tried to pull back but he held me in place. When that didn't stop me, a loud smack sounded throughout the interior, my eyes were wide as a dark smirk formed on his stupidly beautiful face, I felt my ass sting from the smack but it was not unpleasant.

I stilled instantly.

A delighted look went over his face, his crimson eyes were darker, the smirk never left his face, and his hands went back to gripping my rear. He was silent for a moment, letting me suffer in the silence and the suspense of his question. The windows of the alt were fogging by this point and it was getting hot to the point I was sweating. The smirk dropped from his face making my heart drop with it as he gave me a serious but almost tender look. One of his hands going up to cup my face softly as he stared into my eyes and proceeded to ask me the question:

"Do you want me?"

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