2- The Tech Freak

Start from the beginning

"So, you want to head out?" Barry asks.
"Sure, I could use some fresh air. Race you." I teleport outside.
"Beat you," Barry beams.
"I'm pretty sure it was a tie," I said.
Barry smirks, "are you sure?"
I kiss him on the cheek, "positive." Then my phone starts to vibrate. I look at the screen, "its Joe's distress beacon."
"I'll go, you stay. I'll be fast."
"I'll teleport them out--"
"Don't want you to get hurt. I'll come back," then he takes off.
"But that's my job," I mumble.

When Barry comes back, we're sitting in the Speed Lab

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When Barry comes back, we're sitting in the Speed Lab. I have my arms crossed over my chest.
"Okay, you have to let me do my job as Electrical Strike. You can't just set me aside because I'm might get hurt," I tell Barry, my gaze is stern.
"Sorry," he says. Those green puppy-dog eyes just killed me.
I sigh, "damn it. I can't be mad at you when you look at me like that."
"Like this?" The look in his eyes becomes more intense.
I wrap him on the arm, "stop that."
"Ow! Man, I gotta remember that for the future." The Flash grins, rubbing his limb.
I roll my eyes, "I did not hit you that hard."

"Guys!" Cisco shouts from The Cortex. "Deacon's on the TV."
Barry and I exchange a look and head to the main control room. We stare at the screen. We know Deacon's ex work buddy been taken hostage, but the words he's confessing seem like the truth. Everything about Killgore, and I'm pretty sure its time for us to save him.
I look over at Wally and Barry. "Suit up."

ϟ ϟ ϟ

Why does every fight have to be in a warehouse? And why are villains so obessed with them? I have been trying to figure that answer out for a while now.
Wally and Barry unchain the hostage. "What your doing is wrong, just because they stole your tech," The Flash says.
Deacon narrows his unnatural purple eyes, "I smell technology on your suit."
"Izzie was right about having too much tech being a bad thing," I mutter to myself.
Barry has a panicked expression, "I can't move."
Deacon has taken control of his suit. Barry's hand comes out and shoots Wally down with a laser bullet.

My eyes widen under my mask, "oh my God."
"Call me Killgore," Deacon said. His tone of voice is sinister. "Now, next step is to..."
"Cisco, tell me what to do," I talk quickly into my coms.
"Oh, so you both have someone listening in?" Killgore grins. Then my device goes offline. "...maybe send her into a comma. Sad though, I always liked Electrical Strike," Killgore said.
Then Barry comes crashing into me. I get repetitively punched. I block most of them, but its hard to compete with super speed. I teleport, and gingerly touch the bruise on my jaw.

Barry flies by and gets to a payphone. I look at Killgore, "I'll buy you time, Flash."
I teleport after Killgore, and kick out his leg. "Bet you wish I had more tech on me," I growl, gripping his shirt.
"Not when The Flash is going to die from the self-destruct-sequence on his suit."
"What did you do?" I tighten my grip, and my eyes flicker blue with electricity. The sound of breaking glass echoes across the warehouse. I pivot, which allowed Killgore to slip out of my grasp. My first thought goes to Barry, but I cannot let that guy die.
I teleport again, just as Killgore pulls out a gun, "ah, Tim. We both know I have the coolest superpower, but I'm tired of it."

I shield the scientist from the bullet, just as it goes off. Only the bullet doesn't come. That's because Barry took it from the air, and Killgore lost his power from the vile Cisco and Caitlin came up with.
The Flash looks at me, and I exhale with relief, he's alive.

I look across the table at Barry

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I look across the table at Barry. I did not get to move in with him yet, so we're at my apartment.
"You okay?" he asks.
"I guess," I murmur, somewhat spacing out.
"Is this still about me leaving so suddenly by The Speed Force?"
I sigh, "I told you before. Sometimes its a superhero thing to just get up and leave."
Barry reaches across and places his hand on mine, "I'm sorry."
"Its not that," I tell him, gently squeezing his hands.
"Then what? Not the wedding, right?"
I shake my head, "not that either. Though I said we weren't doing much with that. But I can't help but feel like there's someone pulling strings to these villains."

Barry furrows his eyebrows, "what are you talking about?"
"I think there might be something or someone out there that is behind the recent attacks."

Author's Note:
Dun, dun, dun. To be continued. Yeah, so, this whole story is based off the entire Flash season four. Obviously.

For more superhero stuff, check out my profile it's got all the things a nerd could ask for. Give this a vote if you liked it! Byeee!
  ~ SHIELD-Avenger

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