Chapter Twenty Four

Comenzar desde el principio

That is when I realize that I'm naked under the robe, which is slightly open, showing my breasts. Closing it, I look at Andrew only to find him naked too. Except, he's bold enough to show his birth suit in the light of the day.

"People are gonna see us," I tell him, looking around worried.

"Nobody can see us. I've faced away from the boat, don't worry," he says, laughing at my reaction. "Besides, I think you're more beautiful when you're not wearing anything," he leans over and opens the robe, before dragging it over my shoulder and baring my skin. I don't fight and let him do as he pleases.

After the brief breakfast, which Andrew had assembled with the ingredients in the fridge and the cabinets, I start on cleaning up while he goes to the Captain cabin to make the yacht ready to take off. After cleaning up and getting rid of the paper plates, I set off to our cabin to get sunscreen and walk out with a robe longer to cover my legs, so I wouldn't get sunburned.

When I reach Andrew, I find him occupied by the system. Opening the bottle of sunscreen oil, I fill my palm and put it over his shoulder. He tenses at the sudden touch but eases up when he turns his head to look at me, lips smiling, eyes hidden under his sunglasses.

Smiling back at him, I continue my work of spreading sunscreen over his back and shoulders. And god knows how much I'm enjoying myself. When I'm done with this back and shoulders, I guide my hands over to his front, in a way that I am hugging him from the back, while my hands are exploring his front.

When I start pulling away my hands, he catches them in one move of his,

"Keep them there," he demands.

Happy to oblige, I obey him. In a matter of seconds, the yacht starts moving and the sudden movement makes me clutch to Andrew harder, all of which, displays a grin on his face.

As we slice through the ocean, I look at my left and the beach changing from rocks to sand and sand to high rocks. Most parts of the seashores are rocky and dry. Some of the beaches are pretty packed with people enjoying their weekend. Smiling sadly, I wonder if we could ever have that kind of calmness, but then, our lives wouldn't be exciting.

"Look, after this land, we have Long Beach," he shouts for me to hear, "and over there," he points somewhere to our right where a sign of land is barely visible, "is the Santa Catalina Island. Behind it, it's San Clemente Island," we move for a few more minutes, after which the island he pointed appears clearer. "That's Huntington Beach and after that, we have New Port Beach, that's where mostly rich people buy a beach house. The prices are super high for a small house,"

"Uh, you're a rich man, too," I remind him,

"Yeah, but I never wanted to waste my money on buying a house I would barely go." He says, laughing at his joke.

I roll my eyes and put my head on his shoulder.

"Do you wanna go in the bay?" he asks,

"We can do that?"

"Of course," he confirms before guiding the yacht over to the entrance. As we enter, I look around at the hundreds of boats, either moving to staying put. It's like a parking lot. Each house has drawn a line in the water to berth their boats. It's too dense and compacted.

"I can clearly see why you don't want a house here," I say. "It's too small for your taste,"

My saying makes Andrew laugh while shaking his head. We take a small ride in and turn around and exit the way we came in. We continue our sightseeing for a few more minutes before Andrew stops the engine and settles the yacht.

"Are we stopping here?" I ask.

"Yeah, we're supposed to meet someone," he takes out his phone.

I look down at my robe, which is covering my naked body. Andrew is comfortably in his shorts.

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