Chapter Eight

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Just when I enter my bedroom, I realize how much I miss my house, my bed. Although Andrew's bed with him snuggling next to me is a lot better than this, I would be lying if I say my bed is a trash compared to that.

As I fall on my bed, I start thinking if my response to his unexpected gifts and invading my privacy, but letting himself in was a bit too soft on him. I should have confronted him and stop him from doing so, but I find myself getting familiar with his ways of affections toward me. I should probably have a talk with him soon. He couldn't just go ahead and control my life, even if I let him do so once or twice.

I guess it made feel at home and welcomed. But that doesn't mean I want him to take the rein. Before I know it, I fall sleep after the sleepless night Andrew and I had, a bit nap can help cover me up.

"OH. MY. GOD!" a shouting voice grabs my attention, but that's not because of the emphasis, it's because I know the voice very well. "How f*cking you dare to just ditch and go? Huh? You know we've been sick worried about you? Do you even think about what happens to people when you just realize you need to do something crazy? Your aunt and uncle were going to fly over, your mom was crying nonstop, your boyfriend, Andrew, he was out of his mind. He was literally deprived of sleep." Alice goes on and on. Does this girl ever stop talking and let the reasoning sink in.

"Laura, I don't know what happened but don't do that again. Where did you go, anyway? Where did you sleep all these nights?" Ella puts her hand on my shoulder, concerned.

I've never given much thought about others or the consequences as I made my escape. In my mind, there was only one thing that could satisfy the reason to me- getting away from Andrew, no matter what.

"Let's just sit, ok?" I take Alice's hand and lead the angry beast to the booth I have reserved just two hours ago. My nap only took three hours, giving me enough time to get ready and make the reservation. By the time I arrived at the club, it was seven. Now waiting half an hour for Alice and Ella to arrive, we finally slip into our booth.

"Speak up, NOW," Alice threatens me. I shouldn't be scared of her. She's only my best friend, concerned and worried, but over dramatic and a bit more over dramatic.

"I needed to get away from the city for some time. I had a place, I know a friend that none of you would and I made there. I've been staying with her for about two weeks, before she stabbed me in the back by contacting Andrew, informing him of my whereabouts. You see, that's why I didn't tell you where I'm going. You were probably going to spill the beans the second Andrew showed up at your doorstep." I wave for a service and soon a waitress is walking our way and standing before our table.

That buys me enough time to avoid being questioned. Knowing these two curious creatures, they would want to know every detail of my escape and my problem with Andrew.

"So Andrew brought you back? He's a good guy, why are you trying to push him back?" Ella voices the second the waitress disappears with our drink orders. I'm not the one who's pushing the other, ask Andrew.

"There is just a lot going between us; we need to figure it out before I go insane. I don't know what he wants and I don't know if he's keen enough to go after it, which leaves me clueless of what I want." I sigh as I rake a hand through my hair thinking about how he gives me mixed signals, how he melts me with his words and how he pushed me away with his actions. "That's why I asked him to give me one day off with his overprotective ass away so I can spend it with you guys, so please let go of this subject and let me forget about it."

"You should probably call your folks, they were really worried about you," Alice points out.

"Already did and yes I've got a list of advice," I giggle.

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