Chapter Eighteen

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Well, this is interesting. The wording sounds a little bit similar to the contract we concluded and the fact that this one is much more serious sends a shiver to my body. It feels a little bit scary. Instantly, images of women at my age or even older reading this paper, since Andrew and I have six years difference in age and I don't take Andrew to be the kind who dates older women, fill my mind.

Up to this point, I have started feeling mixed emotions. Before I would grant this feeling as curiosity and in fact, I wanted to go there and feel the way Andrew would be as a dominant. I wanted to see him as a dominant. But now, I guess, my feelings are withdrawing. There is the tension in me that calls for failure. Perhaps, it's the same insecurity I had while I was reading our contract and while I never liked the punishment Andrew would refer to every time I would misbehave. But this is making me confused.

"Whatever," I sigh and put the contract back in the drawer in the nightstand table on my side.

Putting the contract behind me, I grab my phone to call my aunt. She answers on the third ring,

"Hello, honey." Her sweet voice comes with such a chirp.

"Hi, Auntie. How are you?"

"I'm doing just fine. I was worried about you. I thought you did the unthinkable again, like last time you disappeared and didn't call me until much later." My aunt presses on the matter again. The last time I spoke to her, about a week ago, while I was still dazed with my relationship, I was actually calling her for the second time after my disappearance and she wouldn't stop asking me about what happened. "I know you don't want to talk about it, but I'm here if you want," her reassurance is what keeps melting my heart. "How are you, baby girl?"

"I think... I'm good... um, there's a lot happening and um... I'm doing everything to keep myself sane." I sigh as I settle in the fancy chair in our room.

"Trouble in paradise?" she asks.

"Like always. It's just that everything about Andrew and I is too complicated and sometimes I just want the time to stop." I sigh with frustration and I rub my forehead with my free hand. "You know, the least is, I learned something from my past experience and this time I stayed with Andrew when sh*t went down. I should have stayed and dealt with it last time too, but sometimes Andrew makes me frustrated and makes me do crazy stuff."

"That's what men are for," she laughs, adding humor to our conversation.

"True." I agree with her. "I just miss you so much. You were supposed to come down to LA, what happened?"

"Honey, I would like to but Peter's job doesn't allow him and I can't live without him. Who's gonna take care of him when I'm not there to make him breakfast and lunch to take to work?"

"Hey, I am fully grown and can take care of myself," My uncle's voice comes from a distance, "baby girl, don't let your aunt fool you. I am capable of making my own meals," he comes closer to the receiver and says the words on the phone,

"Yeah, like eggs and noodles. Nice," My aunt makes fun of him. I smile at their interaction. Twenty-five some years of marriage and still they are in love.

"Andrew is taking me to Las Vegas tonight for an Interior Design convention," I change the subject and fill her in with the recent events.

"Oh, nice. He's a good guy. I would say clutch him with your claws honey, but then I remembered you already have," we both start laughing. Well, it's true. Except, apparently, Amelia's claws are mostly close to clutch him too. "Honey, have you called your mother? She feels really bad that you have excluded yourself from her life. Please forgive her."

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