«C H A P T E R 1»

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| TOM |

I WAS typing furiously on my computer. I'm hacking into the school's system to change my grades because I flunking my subjects.

I just wanted to be cool and you can't be cool when you're a mathlete. So I purposely started flunking my subjects just to be cool.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I hear Angie's motorbike start and drive off. I go back to my hacking.

My window suddenly opens up by itself, I get spooked a bit, and then Bethany enters through my window. "One word and you're dead." She says.

I get up, "Are you crazy? If dad catches you, he will kill you." I sat to her.

"Dad's not gonna catch me." She says with a smirk and turns to the window. She blows her boyfriend a kiss and he waves back. He shouts 'bye babe' to her.

"I don't get it. What do you see in that guy?" I ask her.

"You mean other than the fact that he's good looking, sweet, sensitive, romantic, funny and ridiculously athletic." She asks rhetorically.

The door suddenly opens and Hannah appears, Dad's coming and he's mad." She says to us.

"Aren't you suppose to be asleep and at who?" I ask her.

She points at me and says "Tom." the same time Dad shouts, "Tom!"

Bethany quickly grabs Hannah and hides behind the door as Dad appears.

"What?" I ask innocently.

"If you're smart enough to hack into the school's website, then you are smart enough to pass Math. Do you think Bethany got accepted by Michigan by screwing around?"  He says.

"Of course not. She got in because she's perfect."

"No, your sister worked her tail off and that's exactly what I expect from you."  He points a finger at me.

"Yeah, you're right, dad. I-I don't deserve a family vacation. I should stay at home tomorrow and learn my lesson." I say to him.

"No, no, no. I'm not taking that bait again, kiddo. This isn't you, the bad attitude, the grades. What's going on?" He says.

"Nothing."  I say quietly.

"I blame all this for becoming between this, right here. You need some good old fashion no tech. Family togetherness is exactly what we need." He says as he unplugs my computer.

He walks to the door before stopping and turning back to me, "So get some sleep," He looks behind the door, "And you guys, too." He says before exiting.

Bethany smirks at me.

Next morning...

The next morning we're on the road. Worst ride of my life. I'm sitting in the middle, Bethany on my left, elbowing me in my side, and Hannah on my right, constantly slapping me in the face with her monkey.

I remove Hannah's headphones and say, "Hannah," She looks at me, "please, next time, you ride the hump, okay?" I plead with her.

"I barf in the middle. Remember?" She says to me before putting her headphones back on.

The radio station says, "In other news, it looks like  there will be more than just fireworks in the sky tonight, as an unexpected meteor shower adds a little excitement to our area this holiday-"

Stuart says, in amazement, "Very exciting. We're in for a little bit of a show."

"That'll be beautiful, you guys." Nine says to us.

"Better wear hats, guys. We don't want our hair catching fire." Mom and dad laugh and dad's boring joke.

Few moments later...

I grab Bethany's phone and look at a picture of a shirtless Ricky with a pouty face a bouquet of flowers. "Wow, you're boy-toy's an idiot." I comment.

"Ricky's not a boy-toy. We're in a mature, loving relationship." Bethany says to me.

I scoff.

"Okay, why don't we don't talk when you actually have a clue about dating." She snarls at me.

"And Ricky has a clue?" I ask with smirk.

"One more word about Ricky and I swear to God I'll kill you." She threatens.

"Okay! That's enough! Knock it off, you guys. We're almost there." Mom tries to calm us down.

Fifteen minutes later, we arrive at the house. We get out of the van. I stare up the house.

"I hope there's a discount for booking us in the most boring spot in the whole country." I say timidly.

"We're just a stone's through away from half a dozen, top-notch fishing lakes." Dad says looking up at the house before going back to removing the luggage.

I mutter, "Lame." grabbing my bag

I walk in to the house, going up the stairs to find a room. When I find the perfect room I place my bags on the floor. The I hear my cousins, Jake with Art and Lee (twins), coming up the stairs.

Jake then appears, with the twins holding his luggage, and says, "Twins, in here."

"Hey, guys." I greet them but they ignore me.

"Put my bags on the bed." He commands the twins.

"Sir, yes, Sir." the twins said.

"What was that?" He asks them.

"Hey, I got here first. This is my room." I defend myself.

"Not anymore. Now get out." He says to me.

I was going to say something but get interrupted by the revving of a motorbike. I walk to the window and see what it is and as soon as see what, I run downstairs with the others following behind me.






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