CH 12

49 1 0

Knock, knock. Knock, knock.

Someone's at the door. It was probably the neighbor, I thought. Probably bringing us more cookies.

I got up from my seat on the sofa and opened the door. Instead of my cookie-bearing neighbor, it was Jesse, tied to a wooden chair with silver ropes.

Knock, knock. Knock, knock.

I blinked, and the scene changed. Not entirely. Jesse was still there, tied to a chair, except not on my front porch. He was inside the alien ship, and so was I. I felt the ropes cutting into the skin on my wrist and realized he wasn't the only one tied up.

The throbbing on the back of my head confirmed that I had been knocked out. I looked down at my chair, completely identical to Jesse's except Jesse was kicking the leg, causing the knocking sound and leaving scuff marks where his grey Nikes hit the wood.

Timmy sat in a wooden chair like ours- except he wasn't tied up -across the colored circle on the floor. Solktech paced behind him, cannon in hand.

When he noticed I was awake, he cleared his throat. "I apologize for using violence against you," he said, running a gloved hand through his white Einstein hair, "but we feel you would not have cooperated had we acted differently."

"Yeah, you hurt us, you're sorry, get to the point." Jesse said with a bit of arrogance.

"The point is," he said, "that we need your help."

"Well, usually when you ask for help, you don't hit the people that would be helping you upside the head." I replied, feeling blood still pouring from the wound on the back of my head.

He continued, ignoring my remark. "You may have noticed your friend Tim here isn't exactly like you."

Yeah. We noticed.

"Care to tell us why?" I asked, speaking for myself and Jesse.

"Because he wants to help us. You can too, you know. You see, we don't know much about human anatomy. The two of you can be generous. For science."

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh no," I replied. "You're not studying my body."


"Eew, no." Jesse said. "It's my body, and I'm keeping it. Thanks for the offer."

"I told you they wouldn't cooperate," Tim spoke, turning to Solktech.

"They will," he replied. "Wait and see." Then he walked behind our chairs and pushed them forward into the center of the circle.

Within moments I felt my molecules coming apart.

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