Chapter Twelve; Day one on the Baku Garden

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Day one on the Water Planet.

Lance saw the planet in range of the jet and safely landed on the small island close to the water as he put his helmet on and swam down to the place he found familiar. He glanced around wondering where to go and as if on cue, he saw a light from the kingdom and he started swimming.

/In the queen's room/

-Beep. Beep. Beep-

"Hello?"  The Queen answered, Plaxum at her side.

"Hello. This is Princess Allura of Altea, one of our Paladins, Lance, has landed on your planet and he plans on leaving and he's in severe danger. I'm assuming he'll be there soon so I want you to keep him there until we have the resources so get him back to the castle. He's risking Voltron so I'm hoping you can understand."

Plaxum gasped, "Lance!", The queen looked at Plaxum then at the screen with a look of understanding, "Of course, Princess. Well take good care of him."

The call was ended as there was a knock at the castle doors, Plaxum looked at the Queen and nodded as she headed to the door.

As Lance waited at the door he got a strange feeling in his stomach and wondered what it was, he soon stopped because he was distracted by the opening door,

"Huh? Lance?" Plaxum questioned, acting like she didn't know, smiling.

"Hey Plax, how's it hanging?" Lance said with a sad smile on his face.

"It's been good, we've been growing new crops." She replied, "What brings you here?"

"Well I'm visiting someone but in order to do that I need a place to stay so I was wondering if you guys could help me out." He said, "If there is I was also wondering if there was any training grounds."

"Of course, we'd always have room for you, y'know after helping me with the whole, 'Baku garden snake' thing." She said following that up with an answer for the second question. "We do have training grounds but they're primarily occupied by my brother Lilarc, the technology is much less advanced than you Alteans but I hope it'll work." She explained smiling.

"Thank you so much and I'm sure it'll work perfectly." He smiled, the name sounded familiar but he couldn't remember. Hmm, Lilarc.. What an interesting name.

                As Queen Luxia brought him to his room he looked around in interest and slight amazement. "This is glorious, for me?" He chuckled. The room was so beautiful, the walls were glass, you could see fish, eels, and sharks, it was so mesmerizing to him, though privacy wise he was a little uncomfortable with the entire ocean being able to see into his room. He'd get used to it though, water was his element, he knew before Blue was his lion.

              "Of course, Blue paladin Lance." She said exiting afterwards. He could get used to this, easily since Alteans can breathe anywhere, although it took a while to adapt to that concept.

                He sat in his room for a while before getting bored and wanted to ask if they had a library, but before he could let himself ask he thought to himself, "If you're going to fight those who haven't been defeated in 10,000 years, you cant spend free time reading, idiot." He sighed and went to go find Plax so he could figure out where the training grounds were. He started walking, {A/N: I know he's under water and you can't necessarily walk but it's easier than typing swimming}, He didn't know where because there wasn't any explanation so he wandered around. He heard a clang coming from somewhere in the distance and walked faster, this time towards the noise.
He saw a training deck with someone familiar in it fighting, "Li??"
        Lilarc looked around for the voice and in the process he got knocked down and the training bot holding the staff to his chest and speaking, "You've been defeated on level 25." And disappeared.

"Lance??" Lilarc asked confused.

Lance nodded smiling, "Fancy seeing you here." He joked.

"How'd you uh... how'd you know I was here?"

"I didn't. Pure coincidence, I'm really good friends with Plax so she let me stay here."

"Where's the rest of the team?" Li questioned looking behind Lance, "Y'know, Voltron."

"I dunno, they're no team of mine." Lance shrugged and rolled his eyes, like that was a casual thing to say.

"Oh.. So are you..uh.. against Voltron??" Li asked cautiously,

"I'm against Zarkon." Lance said, closing the question. "If you're done with the training, I'd like to start." He said walking past Lilarc grabbing a sword, he's already gotten the gun thing down, he can shoot, a P90 PDW, a M-4 Carbine, a Scar H Assault Rifle, a 50 cal Sniper Rifle.. there's more that he just cant remember, so he decided he'd practice and perfect every weapon, an over achiever, some might say.

Li just stood there, this wasn't the Lance he met, but he sure as hell was hot, so he can roll with it. Li smirked and walked over to Lance,

"After you train, there's a place i'd like to show you." Li stated, kissing Lance's cheek and walked away.

Lance raised an eyebrow and smirked soon after he started training. He started on level 30 just for shits and giggles.

/3 hour time-skip brought to you by me slowly deteriorating ;)/

When Lance finished training he stretched and yawned, "End training sequence."
"End training sequence 51?"

When he exited the training room he wandered around for a  bit until he remembered that Li had asked to meet him after he trained, Li didn't give him any insight on where his room was or anything of the sort so he went ask Plax.

"His room is along the hallway of yours, his has a few scratch marks and some writing in black paint so you'll see it." She said, looking busy so Lance just nodded and walked away so he wouldn't be a bother.

He got to his room and started walking down the corridor passing his room and following the hallway until he heard music and saw the door that Plax had described. He knocked once or twice and didn't get a reply so he just walked in, Li was sitting on his bed singing and he had some sort of alien bass that he was playing. Li heard the door shut and looked up to see Lance smiling down at him, Lance walked over and sat next to him on the bed and laid down looking up at the glow stars on him on the ceiling. Li turned to look at him while playing with a bubbly voice and smile on his face.


Thank you all so much for being so understanding with how long it takes me to update, im really sorry for the slow-ness. I'll see you all soon!


Where did I go? (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant