Chapter Eight; Backstory

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Lance woke panicked, His eyes focused onto unfamiliar surroundings, he started to freak out before he noticed a familiar red jacket hanging on a small hook and the unmistakable scent of the red paladin. "How did I get here?" He decided to get back to the group.




"For Christ sake.."

He decided to look for them, he searched the left wing, then the right, checked every room in the castle, every corridor, it was empty. His team was nowhere to be found. He looked out of a window that happened to be exactly where he landed and looked out of the glass, weird...

There was not one star in the sky...

Lance started panicking, he walked to the dining room and touched the table, something was off. He walked into the control room and all of the sudden the room shook and a video popped up surrounding him with a huge projection of very distantly familiar faces. His parents and a very young Allura.

"Lamar, Son, if you are watching this, you've found your sister once again,—"

Lamar.. That has to be him, right?

"— You are probably very confused. We're so sorry, Son. We had to send you away. Your mother and I decided it was the only way to keep you safe from this war, so we had you sent off to a safe planet. With humble, simple, creatures called Humans. —"

Haha, humble my ass.

"—I'm sure you are so confused, we are going to tell you your story..."

Story? Oh.

According to his parents, when Lance was born there were many celebrations, same as Allura's birth. Of course he didn't know, he was only an infant. He was born on a day Altea celebrated globally.
Οι ωκεανοί ξυπνούν. (The oceans awakening)
He lived on Altea until he was 6 deca-phoebs old. He and Allura were the best of friends, he would braid Allura's hair, paint her nails. She would give Lance facials and she and him would explore Altea and pick small bouquets of flowers for their mother,

"Lookie 'Llura! These ones are pwetty!" Toddler Lance spoke. Holding a flower that was a dark purple in the inside slowly changing into a maroon. Another that had a dark purple middle that faded to a royal blue.

"Excellent, Lamar! Mother will love these!" Little Allura spoke excitedly. When they were older they also tried to find cool crystals for their father.

A few Decophoebs later,

"Woah.. Ha ha!! Allura, look at these geodes!!" An older Lance spoke.

"How can you even tell if they are geodes?" Allura said teasingly with a content smile on her face.

"Because, They all have the hard and smooth exterior, and because of their markings," Lance replied. They cracked them open to find beautifully colored crystals and raced back to the castle. It all seemed like a distant memory, more than that it seemed like a dream.

Alfor was good friends with Zarkon, they'd been friends since they were teenagers, practically grew up together.
Alfor had Lance on his shoulders while walking around, answering the young boys' many, many questions. When they got to their destination Alfor was talking with Zarkon when a cat like Creature popped onto Lance's shoulder.

"Ah! What's that treacherous creature??" Zarkon said curiously spooked.

"This is Kova. She's friendly." A young Altean named Honerva intervened. The cat jumping to be perched onto her shoulders instead. She was tan and had red Altean markings underneath her golden yellow eyes, her hair tied into a bun that hung low on her head. Zarkon didn't necessarily believe in love at first sight, but in that moment, boy was it hard not to.

Decophoebs pass and eventually Honerva and Zarkon got married, they discovered great things together, but with a terrible price to pay. Soon after the creations of the Lions, Zarkon and Honerva got addicted to quintessence, a life force, pure energy.
After they both overdosed, they started a war against Altea, no one did anything wrong, but Zarkon woke from his od with an insatiable hunger, he needed quintessence and wasn't going to let anyone keep him from getting what he wanted, what he felt like he was owed. As soon as he decided Alfor was a threat to him, he cast his empire against Alfor.
After the massacre begun, Alfor knew he had very few choices and a limited amount of time. And that was the point where Alfor had decided to suppressed Lances memories and send him to a safe planet, not yet touched by the Galra. Lance was just finding all of this out and his anger was growing past a point he felt he could handle. He hated Zarkon, a hatred he wasn't sure Allura could even understand.. He had extremely mixed emotions, the most intense being rage, he wanted revenge. He was pissed Zarkon had already died, cause he really wanted to have done it himself after this revelation.

He's going to kill Lotor and Honerva and watch them suffer if it's the last thing he would do.

Lance was still in Keith's bed, Alfors spirit had helped him astral project, walk around the castle, and gain his memory back. But it was all from astral projection so right after Lance regained his memories and the new need for revenge, he fell right back asleep in the spot he had been laying since the night before.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Again it's kinda short but eh who's counting. Oh yeah.. I am. Well, I hope this backstory chapter entertained you. Basically, since Zarkon has already been defeated Lance wants to kill Honerva/Hagar because of how she changed Zarkon and made him turn against Alfor and his citizens. And he wants to kill any descendant of Zarkon. Now he's out for blood.

Words: 900
Published 2017, Edited 2024

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