Chapter Four; Who am I?

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((This is around the time when Lotor thinks he killed Zarkon, saving the paladins and getting held prisoner in the castle. But instead of Lotor "killing" Zarkon, it was Voltron who did the work and Lotor is still on the loose.))


It's been a Phoeb or two since his identity crisis, he didn't have time to freak out about his race, but that didn't stop him. Each mission they had, Lance proved to be off kilter. Distracted by his thoughts of home, but this time he didn't even know if he could call it that.

Who am I?

Everyone was celebrating, The mission was successful, and they were all so happy that Zarkon had finally been defeated and it would be 'easy' to take out Lotor.

They were all happy and talking and Lance was having absolutely none of it. This was too much to take in, he needed a break. He stormed out of the room, not in an angry way, it was more of an overwhelmed way. He ran straight in the direction his room was, but there was a strike of pain that shot through his body and he instantly felt his knees buckle, it was one of the worst pains he's ever experienced, nauseating, and he let out a loud plead asking for help before he collapsed, making a loud thump.

The next morning Lance woke up in his room, he couldn't remember how he got in his bed but he remembered someone cradling him in their arms and carrying him into his room.

He woke up and walked into the room that resembled the dining area and everyone was already there. They seemed to be having a conversation that stopped right when he walked in.

"Hey look who showed up! Did you get your beauty rest?" Pidge teased, she didn't mean anything by it, of course. She had no idea what happened last night. Lance just smiled, what else are you supposed to do?

"Yep, and I don't think it's effective, you can't be more beautiful than beauty itself. And I mean, have you seen me? I'm gorgeous." Lance replied with a look of sarcasm as he sat down, but that's his expression whenever he talks so no one noticed the insincerity. Except for a little Ravin haired teen who happened to see him collapse.

"Are you okay, Lance? I saw you faint or something when I was walking back to my room." Keith whispered as Lance took his seat next to him.

Lance seemed to be surprised.. Keith carried him to his bed? He was under the impression Keith would rather leave him stranded,

"You carried me to my room?" He cut himself off realizing his tone was unnecessary, and that he was being a bit loud, "I mean- Thank you, and yeah I'm okay I'm just in pain." He quieted down.
Everyone else looked confused from the outburst, as they should with the little information they have, they had no idea what the boys were talking about.
Keith noticed the looks on their faces and waited for a nod of approval from lance before he decided to explain,

"When I was heading back to my room I heard someone yelling, I walked around the corridor just in time to see Lance falling unconscious, so I picked him up and carried him to his be-"

"Ah so you guys were just doing that homoerotic shit that you usually do?" She chuckled out, she wasn't listening too much to what Keith was saying but tuned in at the end. Lance tried to argue, but the only word he manyto get out was,"Funny." he crossed his arms.
Pidge was about to make a comeback but Allura and Coran walked in and immediately Allura started talking.

"How is everyone! You guys okay? Lance, have you eaten?" Everyone looked confused but decided to brush it off,

"Um no, I just got here?" He said obviously confused on why Allura was being nice, especially to him.
Shiro was curious as well,
"Why are you so cheerful, Princess?"

Where did I go? (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن