Chapter Five; Healing Pods

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Healing pods.
Lance woke up to an unfamiliar and excruciatingly painful ringing in his ears, he couldn't move. It was so unbearable that he couldn't even think, he's never experienced this kind of pain in his entire life. He couldn't handle it. He felt intense waves of nausea, and  the ringing continued to pierce his ears. He needed to find a way to make this stop, he needed this to stop. He couldn't stop himself from crying out for help, desperate, he couldn't even hear his own pleas. By the time anyone found him he was fully screaming, screaming so hard he couldn't tell the ringing in his ears from his own cries.

Keith had been the one to call for help, he woke up just a few dobashes before Lance to find him twitching and twisting on the blankets they laid out the night before. Keith could tell that something was wrong, Lance brows were knit and he kept clenching his eyes shut with a frown, he looked like he was really uncomfortable, like he was hurting. As soon as Lance woke up he was met with that pain. Now the team was surrounding him, unsure of what the right move is. They've never seen him like this, it was frightening.

"Oh my god, what do we do?!" Pidge said, on the verge of tears.

"Keith, what happened?!"
Lance shook, covering his ears which were now bleeding a significant amount, blood running down between his fingers. Keith noticed the blood on Lances hands and panicked.

"He's bleeding! We have to get him in a pod." Lance had now stopped shaking, not long before his eyes rolled back and he fell unconscious in Keith's arms.


He didn't waste another second before picking Lance up and running as fast as he could to the Pod Room.




They all stayed for a couple of vargas but left the healing room one by one. He would be back out soon, right? It's already been, from what they could tell, movements. Meaning Lance would be out soon, he had to be. During those movements, there was one person who stayed consistently. He rarely came out of the pod room, he only left to shower, train, or for small rescue missions. Hunk made and brought him food and he slept near the floor of the pod, waiting for his friends return.

They were all standing near the pods waiting anxiously until it opened. Shiro ran to catch Lance so he wouldn't face plant. Lance fell forwards and Shiro caught him and then hunk brought him a chair so Lance could sit down, They were all staring at him. Keith assumed no one else was going to tell him so he decided to himself,

"Lance... um.. well I guess first off, do you remember anything from last week?" Keith said softly he didn't want to startle Lance by what he had to say.

"Can you quiet down a little? Why are you speaking so loudly?"

"What? I'm-"

Allura interrupted Keith, "Lance, he's talking normally. Your hearing is sensitive because you have grown your Altean ears back after 17 years." (Geez Allura how bluntly honest can you get?)
"What? I have Altean ears?? What does the hell does that even mean???" Lance sounded like he thought all of this was a prank but it wasn't, just to show him that, Pidge gave Lance the model of a mirror she made and Lance touched his ears, they were elf-like, pointy.. Like Allura and Coran's. Lance's eyes were wide with shock, he flinched at his own touch and again he started shaking.

"I... Am I.. Even a little human?" he asked with little hope, "This is bullshit! D-Does this happen?? Do I just casually fucking bleed?? " Everyone looked at each other and then at Lance.

"Lad, I'm afraid that the ears were the least hurtful part." Coran looked highly concerned. Keith felt so bad.

"Hey, Coran? Do you think.. there's something like.. pain medication? That the Alteans used to stop the pain.. Or something?" Hunk whispered, concerned for his best friend, his question actually made the Altean's think for a moment.

"I think so... but, it has different effects on different people, if we give it to him it might cause some... weird.. side effects. Such as s-"

"I'LL TAKE IT!! I just don't want to be in pain!!" Coran looked at Allura and then back at Lance.

"Alright.. just... you might experience some odd feelings, When you take it you won't fully be in control of your emotions.. you'll also experience what you humans call sensitivity, and you might-"

"It doesn't matter! I'm miserable! I don't have a strong pain tolerance, Coran!" Coran sighed.

"Okay.. just... everyone try not to touch Lance within 4 Vargas (hours) when he took the pill. Okay?" Everyone agreed and decided they would rest until the trained the next morning.

Words: 890

Hey!!! Sorry, this is such a short chapter but I've been busy writing some songs and painting and shit. I would've updated sooner but I have this thing where I had to choose my other classes so yeah! I hope you guys enjoyed, the pills that he needs to take are interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... like Coran said they make him sensitive so.. YEAH UM FIGURE IT OUT ON YOUR OWN BYE.

Author out~
Published 2018, Edited 2024

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