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Camila's POV
After rehearsing our lines and filming a couple of scenes, KJ drove me back to his to pick up my car.

"Cami, why don't you stay the night? We can order some pizza, watch some netflix and hang out a bit." He asked

"How can I say no to an offer like that? Of course!"

We got back to KJ's house, ordered our pizzas, laid down on the couch together watching netflix until 2am! Luckily, we don't have to film tomorrow because Roberta wanted to give us another break.

Being with Cami was everything I could ever ask for. I cuddled her tight in my arms as she fell asleep on me.


(Still KJ's POV)
I woke up before Cami did. I didn't want to wake her because she was laying down on me. I checked my phone but something else caught my attention.

Cami's phone. Messages from... Ian.

"Hey Camila, I was just wondering if you'd like to catch up a bit, haven't seen you in a while and I miss you so much. Please call me."

"Camila, I know you may be mad at me, I'm sorry but please don't ignore these messages"

Ian was Cami's ex. He broke up with her because he was angry that Cami got the role of Veronica in Riverdale.

Camila's POV
I opened my eyes to KJ smiling at me and stroking my hair.

"Good morning sleepy head!" He said as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled and kissed him back.

KJ made an English Breakfast for us. Eggs, bacon, toast, tomatos and sausages. Thats what happens when you date a Kiwi man!

We sat down to eat but I could see in KJ's eyes that he wasn't okay.

"KJ, are you okay?" I questioned

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