Chapter 4

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The talk with her dad didn't go well. He refused to even consider Danny back under contract with him. As far as he was concerned, Danny could be jobless, homeless, and any other bad things he can think of. As for his Daughter, well that was a different story, he had work for her until the end of the year. First things first, she had to make up the concerts that she missed and then she had a few meets and greets with the press.

Rubi wasn't too happy about her dad's plans. She was worried that her dad has gotten more obsessed with her working than being her dad. However, she went along with it. It was useless trying to fight back.

Two months later

After one of her concerts Rubi was taking a rest and drinking her water when a wave a nausea hit. She rushed to the restroom and threw up what little food she had in her stomach. It was the seventh time she threw up that day. She began to worry that something was wrong. For the last two months she had been throwing up over the simplest thing. Just this morning, she threw up after smelling her perfume.

Thinking back, she realized something was wrong. She hadn't had her monthly visitor since before her trip to paradise. Without bothering to get formally dressed and after washing up, she rushed to downstairs to her car and headed to the local drug store. There she bought several pregnancy tests. Heading home, all she could think about was how mad her dad would be if the tests came out positive.

Back at home, she rushed upstairs and locked her door. She emptied her bag on the counter and started reading the instructions. After 20 minutes and 8 tests, she was sitting on the floor, in shock, all the tests came out positive. She was going to have Danny's baby.

Rubi snapped out of her shock when there was a banging on her door. Her dad was yelling at her to open the door. Quickly she got up and gathered all the test and hid them under the sink. She hoped that her dad wouldn't notice. She rushes to open the door.

"Young lady, I told you to never lock this door. I don't care if you need to do something private. You will never lock this door again. Do you hear me?"

"Yes dad, I'm sorry"

As he turned to walk out the room he noticed something on the floor of her bathroom. He enters the room and picks up a pregnancy test. He looks at it and then at Rubi. "What is this? Are you pregnant? Who is the father?"

"Um, Dad, I can explain. You see when I went missing, um, I was in the Caribbean, and, um, I kinda met this guy and we, well, kinda, had a fling and now I'm pregnant. Don't ask his name, because I don't remember it. Please let me keep this baby."

"Of course, you are keeping this baby. You are no longer preforming. Tonight, is the last performance. I need to keep you safe and healthy. You are giving me my first grandchild. I need to protect you and this baby. Get dressed and then you sit and rest for a bit while we get everything ready. I am going to announce your retirement tonight." Rubi's dad said as he left the room with a huge smile on his face. He thought to himself, I know that it was Danny that got her like this. She thinks that I don't know, but I knew where she was the whole time. I'm glad she is ready to retire. We both get to settle down now and be a normal family.

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