Chapter 3

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Rubi wakes up in a beach front room in the Bahamas. Having rested the past two days, she feels more relaxed and ready to face the world again. She gathers her bag and heads down to the beach. At the beach, she lays out her blanket on the sand and decides to tan.

A few hours later, she gets splashed with water. Rubi jumps up ready to fight the one who got her wet. She turns around and sees Danny. Groaning she asks, "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

A now somber Danny replies, "I just saw you here. When you left, your dad called of the concerts and tore up the contract I had with him. He blames me for you leaving, and got pissed when I pointed out that if he only treated you better than you would have never left. Anyway, I came here with a buddy of mine. I was passing by, and saw you. You needed to wake up, so I woke you up."

"You know Danny, you are a good guy, I just wish we would have met differently."

"Yeah, now that we aren't working together, we could hook up for a bit and just have fun. No strings attached. After we leave, we go back to being strangers, and move on with our lives."

"Okay, I can do that, so where is that friend of yours?"

Danny points down the beach at a guy flirting with two other girls.

"He looks busy, why don't we get out of the sun and get something to eat. I'm hungry and you don't look like you have eaten well for a few days." Danny said to Rubi.

"Alright. Then we can go to my room and watch a movie."

"That sounds great. My pal over there won't miss me. With those chicks he will be busy."

They gather up their thing and head to the cabana to eat. While there they order drinks and their food. They got along great, and two hours and several drinks late they head to Rubi's room.

In Rubi's room, they settle onto one bed and find a movie to watch. Half way into the movie they start making out and before they know it they end up sleeping together. They spend the entire vacation together and in each other's arms.

Danny's friend didn't seem to worry about him since they did spend some time with him and his conquest for the day. He didn't know that Rubi was the girl that Danny was supposed to work with and just figured that it was just a quick romance and didn't read much into it.

After two weeks in paradise, they decided to head home. Rubi decided that when she got home, she would talk to her dad and try to get Danny back working with her. She knew that he needed the work and that It was her fault that he wasn't working.


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