Chapter 2

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Rubi is in her room trying to sort the millions of thoughts running in her mind. To her, dinner was a disaster. Not only was she forced to eat food she absolutely hates, she had to listen to Danny tell her dad that he wants to revamp her sound. At first, she listened with interest and was shocked that her dad agreed. Them, Danny suggested a change in wardrobe and hair style. At that point, she just got up from the table and left the room. She didn't care that her dad was yelling at her and Danny was laughing.

She started packing her personal bag when a wild and crazy idea struck her. She was going to run away. She made up her mind that the tour was not what she wanted anymore. She wanted a normal life, with a normal family. She then grabbed her bag, wallet (which she made sure had money in it.), and her passport. She wasn't sure where she would go, but she decided she was going.

In another room in the house, Danny was going over all the events of the day. He like Rubi, he felt that she was a good person and that he was too hard on her. He told himself that he would apologize in the morning, and turned off the lights in his room.

At that moment, he heard a door closing and some keys jingling. He didn't pay any more attention. He tried to sleep, but he couldn't get over the fact that something was wrong. After laying in the dark for more than two hours, he finally decided that he was going to get up and check on the house. As he opened his door Mr. Cruz rushed past him crying.

"Excuse me, sir, what is wrong?" asked Danny as he approached Mr. Cruz.

"She's gone! My little girl is gone!" shouted Mr. Cruz.

"Where did she go? Did she leave a note or something? Let's call the cops and report her missing." Danny responded.

"She's gone, her purse, wallet and passport are missing. I received threats before, but no one has tried to hurt her, before. What do I do?" asked a frantic Mr. Cruz.

"Let's call that cops," responded Danny.

They called the cops, and received immediate response. The cops spent more than half the day sorting out the letters, and gathering the evidence in her room. They came to the conclusion that she left on her own and would return when she was ready. This was unacceptable by Mr. Cruz, who continued to rant and rave about everyone and everything. 

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